
Ovrednotenje lege jezika in vzorca požiranja z ultrazvočno preiskavo v predpubertetnem obdobju
ID Ovsenik, Rok (Author), ID Primožič, Jasmina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Marolt Mušič, Maja (Comentor)

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Namen dela. Lega jezika in vzorec požiranja nimata povsem pojasnjene vlogo v etiologiji zobnih in čeljustnih nepravilnosti, predvsem zaradi pomanjkanja študij, ki bi longitudinalno spremljale njune fiziološke spremembe v obdobju rasti in razvoja čeljustnic. Namen raziskave je bil oceniti spremembe vzorca požiranja in lege jezika med prehodom iz mlečnega v menjalno zobovje, ugotoviti ali izraščanje sekalcev vpliva na vzorec požiranja in ali obstaja povezanost med lego jezika in njegovo funkcijo med požiranjem. Hipoteze. H1 Stopnja izrasti zob interkaninega sektorja vpliva na lego jezika v sproščeni drži. H2 Pri prehodu iz mlečnega v mešano zobovje, vzorec požiranja pri otrocih preide iz visceralnega v somatski. H3 Obstaja povezanost med lego jezika in funkcijo jezika. Preiskovanci in metode. Vključili smo 57 preiskovancev (30 dečkov, 27 deklic), starih 5,9 ± 0,5 let, z normalno okluzijo, brez sesalnih razvad, predhodnih poškodb ali ortodontskega zdravljenja. Lego jezika in vzorec požiranja smo ugotavljali klinično in ultrazvočno (UZ), tako da smo ocenili lego jezika v fiziološki mirni legi, vzorec požiranja pa med samim spontanim aktom požiranja. Za ultrazvočno registracijo lege jezika in požiranja smo uporabili konveksno sondo (RAB 2-5 MHz, GE Healthcare Austria Gmbh & CoOG, Avstrija), pri čemer smo lego jezika ugotavljali v 3D načinu, požiranje pa smo registrirali v sočasnem B in M načinu. Da bi ocenili vpliv zobnega statusa v sprednjem področju zobnega loka na lego in funkcijo jezika, smo ob kliničnem pregledu zabeležili stanje zobovja in v statistično analizo vključili registrirano lego jezika in vzorec požiranja v obdobju mlečnega (mlZ), zgodnjega menjalnega (zmZ) in menjalnega zobovja (mZ). Rezultati. Najvišji odstotek lege jezika na nebu je bil prisoten v obdobju zmZ, medtem ko je bil somatski vzorec požiranja najpogosteje prisoten v obdobju mZ, vendar oba brez statistično značilnih razlik. Nismo ugotovili povezanosti med obdobjem zobovja in lego jezika, ugotovljena pa je bila pomembna povezava med vzorcem požiranja in lego jezika. Poleg tega smo ugotovili, da lega jezika na ustnem dnu statistično značilno poveča tveganje za visceralni vzorec požiranja (OR=5,020), medtem ko podaljšana faza IIa, zmanjša tveganje za pojav visceralnega vzorca požiranja (OR=0,071). Zaključki. V prehodnem obdobju rasti in razvoja orofacialnega področja, ob pojavu anteriorne vrzeli v področju izraščanja sekalcev, ni prišlo do statistično značilnih sprememb vzorca požiranja in lege jezika. Zaznana pa je bila pomembna povezava med vzorcem požiranja in lego jezika pri osebah z normalno okluzijo, ne glede na obdobje zobovja.

Keywords:lega jezika, vzorec požiranja, ultrasonografija, mlečno zobovje, menjalno zobovje
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155895 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:​​Evaluation of tongue posture and swallowing pattern in the prepubertal period with ultrasonography
Aim. The role of tongue posture and swallowing pattern in the etiology of dentofacial abnormalities has not yet been fully explained. Mainly due to the lack of studies that would longitudinally monitor their physiological changes during the period of growth and development. The aim was to evaluate the changes in the tongue posture and swallowing pattern during the transition from deciduous to the mixed dentition, to determine whether the eruption of the incisors affects the swallowing pattern and whether there is a connection between the tongue posture and its function during swallowing. Hypotheses. H1 The degree of tooth growth of the intercanine sector affects the position of the tongue in a relaxed posture. H2 During the transition from deciduous to mixed dentition, the swallowing pattern in children shifts from visceral to somatic. H3 There is a correlation between tongue posture and the function of the tongue. Subjects and methods. A group of 57 subjects (30 boys, 27 girls), aged 5.9 ± 0.5 years, with normal occlusion, no sucking habits, no history of trauma or orthodontic treatment were included. Tongue posture and swallowing pattern were determined clinically and ultrasonographically (US), by assessing tongue posture in a physiological resting position and the swallowing pattern during a spontaneous act of swallowing. A convex probe (RAB 2-5 MHz, GE Healthcare Austria Gmbh & CoOG, Austria) was used for the ultrasonographic registration of the tongue posture and swallowing. Tongue posture was ultrasonographically determined in a 3D mode, while swallowing was registered in a simultaneous B and M mode. To assess the effect of the eruption of incisors, the swallowing pattern and tongue posture ultrasonograms were clustered according to dentition into the deciduous (DD), early mixed (EMD) and intermediate mixed (IMD) dentition timepoints. Results. The highest prevalence of tongue posture on the palate was present in the EMD, while the prevalence of somatic swallowing pattern was highest in the IMD, however without statistically significant differences. No statistically significant association between the dentition period and tongue posture was found, however a significant association was found between swallowing pattern and tongue posture. In addition, it was found that tongue posture on the mouth floor statistically significantly increases the risk of visceral swallowing pattern (OR=5.020), while a prolonged phase IIa decreases the risk of a visceral swallowing pattern occurance (OR=0.071). Conclusions. There were no statistically significant changes in the swallowing pattern and tongue posture, during the transitional period of growth and development of the orofacial area, when physiologically an anterior interincisal gap appeares. However, a significant relationship between swallowing pattern and tongue posture, in subjects with normal occlusion, regardless of the period of dentition, was detected.

Keywords:tongue posture, swallowing pattern, ultrasonography, deciduous dentition, mixed dentition

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