
Izzivi na centru za socialno delo v času izrednih razmer zaradi poplav : magistrsko delo
ID Nuhi, Leja (Author), ID Poštrak, Milko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu raziskujem izkušnje socialnih delavk na centru za socialno delo v času izrednih razmer, natančneje v času poplav. V začetnem delu teoretičnega uvoda na kratko predstavim izredne razmere, naravne nesreče, poplave in zakonodajni okvir. V drugem delu teoretičnega uvoda pišem o delu na centru za socialno delo, vplivu izrednih razmer na socialne delavke in sodelovanju socialnih delavk z drugimi strokovnjaki skozi štiri faze pomoči. V tretjem delu strnjeno pišem o socialnem delu v času izrednih razmer. V zadnjem delu omenim zeleno socialno delo. Raziskati sem želela, kako socialne delavke doživljajo delo v izrednih razmerah v času poplav, kakšna je bila dinamika delovnih razmer na centru za socialno delo, kako je potekalo delo z uporabniki, kakšno pomoč in podporo so imele in kakšna je perspektiva socialnega dela v izrednih razmerah. Raziskava je kvalitativna, zato sem v empiričnem delu predstavila intervjuje s socialnimi delavkami. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da socialne delavke delo v izrednih razmerah povezujejo z delom v času koronavirusa in z delom v času poplav. Izredne razmere so na centru za socialno delo vzpostavile veliko sodelovanja in enotnosti med socialnimi delavkami. Organizacija dela je bila na začetku bolj slaba, vendar se je kasneje izboljšala. Socialne delavke so v času poplav delale na različne načine, v skladu z načeli in metodami socialnega dela. Delo v času poplav je bilo za večino socialnih delavk naporno, ampak ni imelo prav posebnega vpliva na njihovo duševno in telesno zdravje. Po doživeti izkušnji poplav socialne delavke še vedno gledajo na socialno delo na enak način. Skoraj vse se strinjajo, da gre pri socialnem delu za pomoč ljudem, ne glede na razmere.

Keywords:izredne razmere, naravne in druge nesreče, poplave, center za socialno delo, socialno delo v izrednih razmerah, metode dela v izrednih razmerah, zeleno socialno delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Moravče
Publisher:[L. Nuhi]
Number of pages:153 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155834 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206534915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Challenges Faced at a Center of Social Work During a Flood Emergency
This master’s thesis examines the experiences of social workers at a center of social work during emergency conditions caused by flooding. The initial part of the theoretical introduction outlines the concepts of emergency conditions, natural disasters and floods, as well as the relevant legislative framework. The second part of the theoretical introduction deals with work conducted at the center for social work, the effect of the emergency conditions on social workers and the collaboration of social workers with other experts in the four stages of the assistance process. The third part summarizes social work in an emergency. The final part touches on green social work. In this master’s thesis, I explore how social workers experience work under emergency conditions during floods, the workplace dynamics at the center of social work, the nature of work with end users, the extent of assistance and support, as well as the perspective of social work in emergencies. This is a qualitative study. Therefore, the empirical segment presents interviews with social workers. The results of the study show that social workers associate work under emergency conditions with their work during Covid-19 and during the flood. At the center of social work, the emergency conditions facilitated large-cale collaboration and a sense of kinship among the social workers. The organization of labor was initially deficient but eventually saw significant improvement. During the flooding, the social workers were active in various ways, all in accordance with the principles and methods of social work. Work during the floods was difficult for most social workers, but it left no significant effects on their mental or physical well-being. After living through the experience of flooding, the social workers continue to view social work the same way as before. Almost all agree that social work is about helping people, regardless of the prevailing circumstances.

Keywords:emergency conditions, natural and other disasters, floods, center for social work, social work in emergencies, methods of work in emergencies, green social work

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