
Primerjava situacijskega in izbiralnega prvega redčenja na Kočevskem
ID Logar, Špela (Author), ID Diaci, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fidej, Gal (Comentor)

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V nalogi smo primerjali dva načina prvega redčenja: klasično izbiralno in situacijsko redčenje. Zanimala nas je struktura konkurentov, razlike v stabilnosti ter katerim kriterijem pri izbiri dreves se pri izvajanju obeh načinov v praksi najbolj sledi. Raziskavo smo izvedli v revirju Vrbovec, GGO Kočevje, na rastišču podgorskih gradnovih bukovij na nadmorski višini od 520 m do 695 m. Objekt raziskave je bil razdeljen na osem 0,04 ha kvadratnih ploskev. Prve štiri ploskve so bile namenjene analizi situacijske nege, druge pa izbiralnemu redčenju. Med obema načinoma redčenja nismo ugotovili velikih razlik v količini izmerjene svetlobe po izvedenem ukrepu. Razlike so bile očitnejše, ko smo primerjali kandidate s konkurenti. V primeru situacijskega redčenja je bilo ukrepanje usmerjeno na plemenite listavce, nega poškodovanih dreves ni bila izvedena. Če primerjamo situacijsko nego z izbiralnim redčenjem, je bila jakost redčenja nižja, sproščanje ciljnih dreves pa je bilo intenzivnejše. Razlike med načinoma so se izkazale v kolektivnosti. Na ploskvah, kjer se je izvedla situacijska nega, je bila kolektivnost za drevesa v strehi sestoja bolj ohranjena. Če primerjamo povprečne vrednosti ocen kolektivnosti za izbrance oz. kandidate, so bile razmere pri situacijski negi ugodnejše, saj so imeli izbranci pri situacijski negi v povprečju bolj sproščene krošnje.

Keywords:situacijsko redčenje, izbiralno redčenje, stabilnost, kolektivnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[Š. Logar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155762 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:198281987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2024
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Title:Comparison of early selective thinning and situational thinning in the Kočevje region
In this study we compared two approaches of first thinning: selective and situational. We were interested in the structure of the competitors, the differences in stand stability, and which tree selection criteria are most closely followed in the implementation of tree selection. The study was carried out in the Vrbovec district, GGO Kočevje, in oak-beech forest type stand at an altitude of 520 m to 695 m. The research site was divided into eight 0.04 ha square plots. The first four plots were used for situational thinning, the others for selection thinning. We found no significant differences in the light conditions after the performed thinning. The differences were more pronounced when comparing the candidates with their competitors. In the case of situational thinning the focus was preserving valuable noble broadleaves, and the removal of damaged trees was not carried out. Comparing situational treatment with selective thinning, the intensity of the thinning (i.e. removal of BA) was lower and the release of the targeted trees (i.e. nr. of competing trees per candidate) was stronger. Differences between the two treatments showed in assessed collective stand stability. On the plots with situational treatments, collective stability for trees in the canopy of the stand was more preserved. Comparing the mean values of the collective stability for the candidates, the situation was more favorable in situational treatment, as selected candidates were released more compared to candidates in selective thinning.

Keywords:situational thinning, selective thinning, stand stability, collective stability

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