
Percepcija nadrealizma in potencial njegove vizualne ekoepistemologije
ID Germek, Magdalena (Author), ID Pranjić, Kristina (Author)

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Članek obravnava nadrealizem na presečišču ekokritiške humanistike in epistemologije. Čeprav so močne ekološke težnje v nadrealistični umetnosti znanstveno že izpričane, pričujoči prispevek prispeva k razumevanju mehanizma in logike nadrealizma prek ključnega postopka potujitve (denaturalizacije in defamiliarizacije) ter nadrealističnega razumevanja objekta in narave. Tovrstno novo razumevanje omogoči nadrealizmu, da postane pomembno orodje za vizualno senzibiliziranje in ekološko ozaveščanje v trenutnih razmerah vsakovrstnih in ponavljajočih se kriz, ki zahtevajo od človeka takojšnjo in radikalno spremembo vsakdanjih, avtomatiziranih ravnanj. Prav avantgardistične tehnike distanciranja in prelamljanja z vsakodnevnostjo so namreč imele cilj ponuditi prostor za izumljanje novih form in modelov subjektivizacije. Nadrealizem je bolj kot katerokoli drugo avantgardno gibanje razgalil bogastvo vizualnega dojemanja odnosa med človekom in naravo; nadrealistični pogled na naravo je kompleksen, čaroben, a tudi temen in ekscesen, zaznamovan tako s fragmentarnostjo kot organicizmom in povezanostjo notranjega in zunanjega sveta. Tematiziranje nadrealizma in ekologije uvedemo prek posthumanističnih in antiantropocentričnih idej, nato predstavimo ključni formalistični postopek – potujitev, in orišemo osrednje značilnosti nadrealistične epistemologije ter nadrealističnega objekta prek Bretonovega prelomnega besedila Kriza objekta. Ob tem predstavimo pomembnost novih epistemologij, kot sta vizualna in primerjalna, ki pomembno prispevata k zasnovi razumevanja predlagane ekoepistemologije v zaključku prispevka. Prispevek sklenemo z ugotovitvijo, da nadrealizem s svojo ekstremno vizualnostjo razvija novo percepcijo in razumevanje objekta ter narave, ki sega onkraj utečenih pojmov in opredelitev v ekologiji, kar predstavlja prispevek k vizualni pismenosti na področju okoljsko ozaveščene umetnosti in humanistike.

Keywords:nadrealizem, nadrealistični objekt, potujitev, ekoepistemologija, posthumanizem, ekokritika
Work type:Other
Typology:1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publisher:Založba Univerze
Number of pages:Str. 138-149
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155709 This link opens in a new window
DOI:10.51938/9789612972868 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:190897155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.04.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Vizualna pismenost : teoretsko raziskovanje, razumevanje, ustvarjanje in interpretacija sodobnosti
Editors:Petra Černe Oven, Barbara Predan
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Založba Univerze
COBISS.SI-ID:189062915 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.

Secondary language

Title:The perception of surrealism and the potential of its visual eco-epistemology
The article deals with surrealism at the intersection of ecocritical humanities and epistemology. Although the strong ecological tendencies in surrealist art have already been scientifically noted, this paper contributes to the understanding of the mechanism and logic of surrealism through the key process of defamiliarisation (or denaturalisation) and the surrealist understanding of the object and nature. By means of this novel understanding, surrealism becomes an important tool for visual sensitisation and raising awareness of ecological issues in the current circumstances, in which diverse and recurring crises demand immediate and radical changes of everyday, habitual behaviour on the part of humans. It was the avant-garde techniques of distancing and breaking with the everyday that sought to provide space for the invention of new forms and models of subjectification. More than any other avant-garde movement, surrealism revealed the richness in the visual perception of the relationship between man and nature. The surrealist view of nature is complex, magical, but also dark and extreme, marked by fragmentation as well as organicism and interconnectedness of the internal and external worlds. After introducing the thematisation of surrealism and ecology via posthumanist and anti-anthropocentric ideas, we present the key process of formalism—defamiliarisation—and outline the central features of surrealist epistemology and the surrealist object by way of Breton’s seminal text The Crisis of the Object. Additionally, we present the significance of new epistemologies, such as visual and comparative, which importantly contribute to the construction of the understanding of the proposed eco-epistemology that features in the conclusion of the paper. The work concludes with the observation that surrealism, with its extreme visuality, develops a new perception and understanding of the object and nature; one that goes beyond the established notions and definitions in ecology, thus contributing to visual literacy in the field of environmentally conscious art and humanities.

Keywords:surrealism, surrealist object, defamiliarisation, eco-epistemology, posthumanism, ecocriticism


Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Funding programme:Vizualna pismenost na Univerzi v Ljubljani, Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanjelikovno oblikovanje
Project number:P5-0452

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