
Genetic algorithm-based optimization of the laser-beam path in additive manufacturing
ID Potočnik, Primož (Author), ID Jeromen, Andrej (Author), ID Govekar, Edvard (Author)

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This study presents a methodology of genetic-algorithm-based optimization of the laser-beam path for improving laser-based additive manufacturing (AM). A simple thermal model was developed to simulate the effects of laser-induced heat input on the temperature distribution within the substrate during the fabrication of one layer. The optimization approach aims to find solutions with more homogeneous temperature properties that minimize the thermal gradient on the substrate caused by laser-based AM. The laser beam, i.e., the tool-path planning, is formulated as the search for the optimal sequence of cell depositions that minimize the fitness function, which is composed of two components, i.e., the thermal fitness and process fitness. The thermal fitness is expressed as the average thermal gradient, and the process fitness regulates the suitability of the proposed tool path for the implementation of the AM process. Various tool-path generators are proposed to initialize the initial population of tool-path solutions. Genetic-algorithm-based tool-path optimization is proposed, where custom initialization, crossover and mutation operators are developed for application in laser-based AM. Simulation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the genetic-algorithm-based optimization in finding solutions that minimize the fitness function and therefore provide both thermally and, for the AM process implementation, more suitable laser-beam-path solutions.

Keywords:additive manufacturing, laser beam path, genetic algorithm, optimization
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Number of pages:Str. 159-163
Numbering:Vol. 58, no. 2
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155673 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1580-2949
DOI:10.17222/mit.2023.989 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:192139011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Optimizacija poti laserskega žarka z genetskim algoritmom v proizvodnji z dodajalno tehnologijo
Študija predstavlja metodologijo optimizacije poti laserskega žarka na podlagi genetskega algoritma za izboljšanje laserske aditivnega izdelave (AM). Razvit je bil preprost toplotni model za simulacijo učinkov lasersko induciranega vnosa toplote na porazdelitev temperature znotraj substrata med izdelavo ene plasti. Cilj optimizacijskega pristopa je najti rešitve z bolj homogenimi temperaturnimi lastnostmi za zmanjšanje toplotnega gradienta na substratu, ki ga povzroča laserska AM. Načrtovanje poti laserskega žarka oz. orodja je formulirano kot iskanje optimalnega zaporedja odlaganja celic, ki minimizira kriterijsko funkcijo, sestavljeno iz dveh komponent, to je toplotnega kriterija in procesnega kriterija. Toplotni kriterij je izražen kot povprečni toplotni gradient, procesni kriterij pa uravnava primernost predlagane poti orodja za izvedbo AM procesa. Predlagani so različni generatorji poti orodja za inicializacijo začetne populacije rešitev poti orodja. Predlagana je optimizacija poti orodij, ki temelji na genetskem algoritmu, kjer so razviti namenski operaterji inicializacije, križanja in mutacije za uporabo v laserskem AM procesu. Simulacijske študije izkazujejo učinkovitost optimizacije, ki temelji na genetskem algoritmu, pri iskanju rešitev, ki minimizirajo kriterijsko funkcijo in tako zagotavljajo toplotne in za izvajanje AM procesa ustreznejše rešitve poti laserskega žarka

Keywords:aditivna proizvodnja, pot laserskega žarka, genetski algoritem, optimizacija


Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project number:P2-0241
Name:Sinergetika kompleksnih sistemov in procesov

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