
Izris šahovnice na podlagi dometa figur
ID KOVAČIČ, JAKOB (Author), ID Guid, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Šah je igra, za katero potrebujemo veliko izkušenj, da lahko položaj na šahovnici pravilno ovrednotimo. To lahko olajšamo z izrisom, kjer so polja obarvana skladno z neposrednim in posrednim vplivom figur na šahovnico. Namen diplomske naloge je nadgradnja te zamisli, kjer se upoštevajo tako trenutni vplivi na polje, kakor tudi tisti v naslednjih potezah. Zato modeliramo šahovnico kot matriko, kjer vsaka celica predstavlja polje. Za vsako figuro beležimo, katera polja doseže v nekaj potezah. Tem poljem dodelimo številčno vrednost v ustrezno celico, glede na to, katere figure jih lahko obiščejo. Na koncu dobimo matriko števil, ki se preslika v rastrsko sliko na podlagi barvne lestvice. Algoritem izvedemo na velikem vzorcu iger z različnim številom dovoljenih potez, z namenom preverjanja delovanja in ustreznosti rešitve. Za ta namen izpeljemo iz dobljenih matrik značilke ter izračunamo njihov korelacijski koeficient z oceno pozicije, podano s strani šahovskega motorja.

Keywords:šah, toplotna karta, analiza, korelacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155672 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:192515331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Chessboard visualisation based on piece range
Chess is a game that requires a lot of experience to correctly evaluate a position. This can be simplified with visualization, in which the squares are colored depending on the direct or indirect influence of the pieces. The thesis expands the concept by including future moves along with current ones. For this purpose, we model the chessboard as a matrix, in which we calculate the reach of each piece up to the desired number of moves. Each field of the matrix contains a value, dependant on the pieces that can reach it. The resulting matrix of values is then converted into a raster image by referencing a linear colour scale. We apply the algorithm on a large sample with a varying amount of allowed moves to assess its functionality and adequacy. For this we prepare attributes on the basis of the matrices, for which we calculate a correlation coefficient against a board evaluation, given by a chess engine.

Keywords:chess, visualisation, heatmap, analysis, correlation

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