
Osnovnošolci OŠ Dragomelj in njihov pogled na vojno v Ukrajini : diplomsko delo
ID Kos, Leila (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z ruskim napadom Ukrajine, 24. februarja 2022, in začetkom ukrajinske vojne so se pri slovenskih otrocih odprla mnoga vprašanja o varnosti in prihodnosti, porajala so se jim nova čustva, z njimi pa tudi morebitne stiske in dileme. Otroci so informacije o vojni v Ukrajini prejemali iz raznih virov v svojem okolju. Poleg sprememb v otrokovem vsakdanjiku pa je do sprememb prišlo tudi v širši družbi – nenazadnje s prihodom ljudi iz Ukrajine zaradi izkušnje prisilne razselitve. Z vojno povezane nove okoliščine imajo lahko za otroka posledice na različnih področjih, zato je tu ključnega pomena odziv socialnih delavk in šolske strokovne službe, prav tako pa prepoznavanje varovalnih dejavnikov in virov pomoči v otrokovem bližjem okolju in aktivacija teh, ko otrok izrazi stisko. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela na kratko orišem vojno dogajanje v Ukrajini, od februarja 2022 do maja 2022, in takratno poročanje slovenskih medijev. Nadaljujem z opredelitvijo ključnih pojmov – vojne in miru – ter s predstavitvijo teorij razvoja otrokovega mišljenja. Dotaknem se otrokovega dojemanja vojne in miru ter vloge, ki jo pri tem igrajo mediji. Prav tako naslovim otrokovo dojemanje begunstva, v zadnjem delu pa predstavim socialno delo v kriznih razmerah in navedem nekaj varovalnih dejavnikov, ko se otrok spopada s stisko. V drugem delu diplomskega dela predstavim kvalitativno raziskavo, ki je sledila zastavljenim raziskovalnim vprašanjem – kako otroci OŠ Dragomelj dojemajo pojma vojna in mir, kje pridobivajo informacije o vojni v Ukrajini in kaj si o njih mislijo, kaj se je od začetka vojne spremenilo v njihovem življenju in do kakšnih sprememb mislijo, da je od takrat prišlo v družbi. Spraševala sem se tudi, kje osnovnošolci iščejo pomoč zaradi vojne v Ukrajini in kje bi si te še želeli. Nenazadnje pa me je zanimalo, kakšen je njihov pogled na begunce, ki prihajajo iz Ukrajine v Slovenijo. Pridobljeni podatki fokusnih skupin na zgornja vprašanja so predstavljeni v rezultatih, interpretacija teh pa sledi v razpravi. Nekaj ključnih ugotovitev raziskave je, da otroci večino informacij o vojni v Ukrajini pridobivajo prek elektronskih naprav, od medijev pa si želijo več poročanja o vojni v Ukrajini namesto o ostalih novicah. Prav tako otroci izražajo skrb glede morebitne vojne v Sloveniji, a se s strahom uspešno soočajo in glede stisk zaradi vojne v Ukrajini ne iščejo pomoči, saj so podporo našli v krogu svojih bližnjih. Prav tako do beguncev iz Ukrajine kažejo spoštovanje in željo po pomoči, nenazadnje pa v novi situaciji vidijo priložnost, iz katere se lahko učijo sami.

Keywords:vojna v Ukrajini, mediji, spremembe v družbi, mir, varovalni dejavniki, begunstvo, socialno delo v kriznih razmerah
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Kos]
Number of pages:135 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155517 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:215363331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Primary and elementary school students of OŠ Dragomelj and their perception of the war in Ukraine
With the Russian attack on Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, and thereof the start of the Ukrainian War, several questions regarding security and the future have emerged amongst Slovenian children, and new emotions arose along with potential distress and dilemmas. Children have received war information from diverse sources in their environment. Besides changes in children’s everyday lives, many changes occurred at a societal level – eventually, the coming of people from Ukraine due to the experience of forced displacement. Newly emerged war-related circumstances can bear different consequences for children in various areas. Thus, the response of social workers and school professional service is crucial, together with recognizing the protective factors and sources of help in the children's close environment and activation of those when they convey distress. In the theoretical part, I briefly illustrate war events in Ukraine - February 2022 until May 2022 - with the accompanying reportage of Slovenian media, followed by the definition of the key concepts - war and peace – and the presentation of cognitive development theories in children. Further, I present the children’s perception of war and peace and the corresponding role of media. I also exhibit the children’s views on immigration in the theoretical part, ending with the chapter on social work in crises, and the list of protective factors for children facing distress. In the second part, I present the characteristics of the qualitative research that follows the research questions touching on children’s perception of war and peace, sources of information about the war in Ukraine and interrelated thoughts, what children think has changed in their lives, and the broader society since the beginning of the war. I was also interested in the children's sources of help in those times, where they found it, and what sort of help they hoped to have. Lastly, I wanted to get an insight into children's perception of immigrants coming from Ukraine to Slovenia. The results from the focus groups regarding the aforementioned questions are presented in the results section, along with an interpretation in the discussion section. The main findings suggest that most children learn about the war in Ukraine through electronic devices and wish that the media would provide more information about the war in Ukraine in lieu of other news. They also express concern about a potential war in Slovenia, but have no difficulty overcoming related fears due to the support they receive from their close relatives. Based on the findings, children show respect and a desire to assist Ukrainian immigrants, further, they also perceive the new situation as an opportunity for their personal growth and learning.

Keywords:the war in Ukraine, media, societal changes, peace, protective factors, immigration, social work in crises

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