
Vloga digitalne tehnologije pri energetski prenovi večstanovanjskih stavb : magistrsko delo
ID Šećerov, Dragoljub (Author), ID Turk, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali analizo energijskih bilanc in možnih izboljšav na področju energijske učinkovitosti obstoječe večstanovanjske stavbe v Ljubljani s pomočjo različnih računalniških orodij in pristopov. Cilj magistrskega dela je bila preučitev možnosti uporabe novejših tehnologij, kot sta programska oprema v BIM okolju in LiDAR kamera, pri analizah trajnostne gradnje. V ta namen smo po eni metodi izračunali energijske kazalnike stavbe in možne izboljšave energijske učinkovitosti stavbe s pomočjo vhodnih podatkov, pridobljenih preko terenskih meritev in s pomočjo laserskega merilnika in računalniških programov, kot sta URSA 4.0 in PURES 3. Po drugi metodi pa smo vhodne podatke pridobili s pomočjo LiDAR posnetkov stavbe in programov v BIM okolju, kot sta Revit EnergyPlus in DesignBuilder. Nato smo rezultate, pridobljene preko dveh različnih metod, primerjali med seboj. Ugotovili smo, da so dobljeni rezultati primerljivi in da je možno izdelati energetsko izkaznico stavbe preko BIM modela stavbe zmodeliranega s pomočjo posnetkov iz LiDAR kamere. Z magistrsko nalogo smo dokazali, da so nove tehnologije, ki so usmerjene v energijsko učinkovitost v gradbeništvu, lahko odličen pripomoček strokovnjakom, ki se ukvarjajo z analizami trajnostne gradnje objektov. V prihodnosti bi bilo smotrno raziskati smeri in načine, ki bi omogočili večjo implementacijo zgoraj omenjenih tehnologij v slovenski gradbeni panogi, predvsem na področju integracije BIM tehnologije z obstoječimi programi za izračun energijskih bilanc stavb.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, GR, BIM, energijska učinkovitost, LiDAR, ogljični odtis, Revit, Pures 3, vizualizacije, DesignBuilder, URSA 4.0, gbXML
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Šečerov]
Number of pages:XIV, 90 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155426-417b40dc-01f3-dcc4-9300-22817e91ccb7 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:191142403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of digital technology in the energy renovation of multiapartment buildings : master thesis
In the master thesis we analysed the energy simulations and possible improvements in the energy efficiency of an existing multi-apartment building in Ljubljana using different computational tools and approaches. The aim of the master thesis was to investigate the possibility of using newer technologies, such as software in BIM environment and LiDAR camera, in sustainable building analysis. For this purpose, one method was used to calculate the building energy performance indicators and possible energy efficiency improvements of the building using input data obtained through field measurements using a laser meter and computer programs such as URSA 4.0 and PURES 3. The other method was to obtain input data using LiDAR images of the building and use of programs in the BIM environment such as Revit EnergyPlus and DesignBuilder. The results obtained by the two different methods were then compared with each other. We found that the results are comparable and that it is possible to produce an energy performance certificate for a building using a BIM model of the building modelled with LiDAR camera imagery. The master thesis proved that new technologies focused on energy efficiency in construction industry can be an excellent tool for experts involved in the analysis of sustainable building construction. In the future, it would make sense to explore directions and ways that would allow a greater implementation of the above-mentioned technologies in the Slovenian construction industry, especially in the field of integration of BIM technology with existing programs for the calculation of energy simulations of buildings.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, energy efficiency, carbon footprint, renderings

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