
Vpliv toplotne mase stavbnega ovoja na toplotni odziv enodružinske hiše v značilnih podnebjih Slovenije : magistrsko delo
ID Kravanja, Matjaž (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo s pomočjo programskega orodja EnergyPlus analizirali toplotni odziv enodružinske stanovanjske stavbe z različno toplotno maso stavbnega ovoja v treh značilnih podnebjih Slovenije. Rezultate analiz toplotnega odziva računskih modelov stavb s štirimi variantami stavbnega ovoja smo vrednotili na podlagi metode adaptivnega toplotnega udobja po standardu SIST EN 16798-1 in na podlagi poteka notranjih temperatur. V drugem delu naloge smo izvedli občutljivostno analizo ključnih vplivnih parametrov povezanih z zasnovo stavbnega ovoja in notranjosti stavbe. Preverjali smo vpliv masivnih notranjih sten, intenzitete nočnega prezračevanja, toplotne mase toplotne izolacije, faktorja solarne absorbtivnosti notranjih površin in toplotne mase talnih oblog. Rezultati analiz so pokazali pomemben vpliv toplotne mase na toplotni odziv stavb. Ugotovili smo, da je toplotna masa izjemnega pomena tako za trajanje toplotnega udobja kot za potek notranjih temperatur, ki pa sta med seboj neposredno povezana. Pomembnost uporabe masivnega stavbnega ovoja še posebej velja za topli del leta in toplejša podnebja, kjer se razlike med masivnimi ovoji in lahko varianto povečujejo. Najboljše rezultate je dosegla varianta stavbnega ovoja, ki predstavlja kombinacijo visoke toplotne mase in nizke toplotne prehodnosti stavbnega ovoja. Od lahke variante z nizko toplotno prehodnostjo, ki je imela najslabši toplotni odziv, je bila v dveh od treh analiziranih podnebij boljša za 20 odstotnih točk. Iz rezultatov občutljivostne analize ključnih parametrov stavbnega ovoja in notranjosti stavbe, ki imajo vpliv na toplotno maso oz. njeno delovanje, smo ugotovili, da je lahek stavbni ovoj veliko bolj občutljiv na spremembe v zasnovi stavbe. Pri lahkem stavbnem ovoju imajo ukrepi, ki povečajo toplotno maso, pozitiven vpliv na toplotni odziv. Pri masivnejših stavbnih ovojih pa je vpliv prilagoditev z izjemo intenzitete nočnega prezračevanja zanemarljiv.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, GR, stavbarstvo, toplotna masa, toplotni odziv, stavbni ovoj, model adaptivnega toplotnega udobja, EnergyPlus
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kravanja]
Number of pages:XX, 84 str., 1 f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155425-b0ad7832-e6be-ad28-4cb2-00ae65acee68 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:191130627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the thermal mass of the building envelope on the thermal response of a single-family house in characteristic climates of Slovenia : master thesis
In this master's thesis, we utilized the EnergyPlus software tool to analyse the thermal response of a single-family residential building with different thermal mass in the building envelope across three characteristic climates of Slovenia. The results of the thermal response analyses of building models with four variants of the building envelope were evaluated based on the adaptive thermal comfort model according to the standard SIST EN 16798-1 and the internal temperature profiles. In the second part of the thesis, we conducted a sensitivity analysis of key influencing parameters related to the design of the building envelope and the interior of the building. We examined the influence of massive internal walls, the intensity of night-time ventilation, the thermal mass of thermal insulation, the solar absorptivity factor of internal surfaces, and the thermal mass of floor coverings. The analysis showed a significant impact of thermal mass on the thermal response of buildings. We found that thermal mass is crucial for both the duration of thermal comfort and the internal temperature profiles, which are directly interconnected. The importance of using a massive building envelope is particularly pronounced during the warmer part of the year and in warmer climates, where differences between massive and lightweight variants become more apparent. The variant of the building envelope that combines high thermal mass and low thermal transmittance achieved the best results. It was better than the lightweight variant with low thermal transmittance, which had the poorest thermal response by 20 percentage points in two out of three analysed climates. From the results of the sensitivity analysis of key parameters influencing the thermal mass or its operation, we concluded that a lightweight building envelope is much more sensitive to changes in the building design. For lightweight building envelopes, measures that increase thermal mass positively impact thermal response. The influence of adjustments, except for nighttime ventilation, is negligible for more massive building envelopes.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, thermal mass, thermal response, building envelope, adaptive thermal comfort model, EnergyPlus

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