
Povezanost rezultatov testov agilnosti z močjo mišic iztegovalk kolka : magistrsko delo
ID Serdinšek Ekart, Saš (Author), ID Šibila, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pori, Primož (Comentor)

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Osnovni namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti povezanost med agilnostjo in močjo iztegovalk kolka. V delu smo preverjali medsebojne povezave in vplive med testoma nereaktivne in reaktivne agilnosti ter močjo kolčnih mišic. Hkrati smo želeli analizirati gibalne značilnosti rokometašev med izvedbo spremembe smeri, pri čemer smo se osredotočili na smer obračanja. Merjenci, vključeni v raziskavo, so bili rokometaši, ki igrajo na krilnih ali zunanjih položajih in nastopajo za klube v 1. slovenski rokometni ligi NLB (N = 29; starost 22,1 ± 3,1 leta). Merjenci so opravili baterijo testov, ki je vključevala test nereaktivne agilnosti »sprint 8 x 40 m s spremembami smeri«, test reaktivne agilnosti »sprint 9 x 5 m z obratom«, sprint na 5 m, meritev maksimalne izometrične moči kolčnih mišic in dve vrsti skokov (skok v daljino in bočni skok). Pri interpretaciji rezultatov smo ugotovili, da maksimalna izometrična moč iztegovalk kolka kaže negativno nizko povezanost s testom nereaktivne agilnosti in neznatno do nizko pozitivno povezanost s testom reaktivne agilnosti. Analiza vpliva, ki ga imajo kolčne mišice na rezultat v testih, je pokazala, da moč pojasnjuje večinski delež (59,7 %) variance v rezultatu testa nereaktivne agilnosti, ki se poveča (71,2 %), kadar v analizo vključimo še skoke. Nasprotno je isti model neznačilen v primeru testa reaktivne agilnosti. Na osnovi tega lahko sklepamo, da ima moč pomemben vpliv na sposobnost hitrih sprememb gibanja v vnaprej definiranih gibanjih, ob prisotnosti zunanjih dražljajev, na katere morajo merjenci reagirati, pa postanejo pomembnejše senzorične in kognitivne sposobnosti športnikov. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da je večina rokometašev v tej raziskavi imela preferenčno stran obračanja pri spremembah smeri. Stran obračanja je bila neodvisna od sposobnosti ali dominantnosti spodnjih okončin, pojavil pa se je vzorec merjencev s preferenčno stranjo obračanja in nekrižnim profilom lateralnosti.

Keywords:rokomet, agilnost, sprememba smeri, mišična moč, spodnje okončine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155403 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:196211715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Correlation of agility test results with hip extensor muscle strength
The basic purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between agility and hip extensor strength. In the work, we checked the interconnections and influences between non-reactive and reactive agility tests and strength of the hip muscles. At the same time, we wanted to analyze the movement characteristics of handball players during changes of direction, where we focused on the direction of turning. The subjects included in the research were handball players who play wing or back positions and play for clubs in the 1. NLB Slovenian handball league (N = 29; age 22.1±3.1 years). Subjects completed a battery of tests that included a non-reactive agility test “8x40 m sprint with changes of direction”, a reactive agility test “9x5 m sprint with a turn”, a 5m sprint, measurements of maximal isometric strength of the hip muscles, and two types of jumps (long jump and lateral jump). While interpreting the results, we found that the maximum isometric strength of the hip extensors shows a low negative correlation with the non-reactive agility test and an insignificant to low positive correlation with the reactive agility test. The analysis of influence of the hip muscles on the results of the agility tests showed that strength explains the majority (59.7%) of the variation in the results of the non-reactive agility test, which increases (71.2%) when we include jumps in the analysis. Conversely, the same model was insignificant in the case of the reactive agility test. Based on this, we can conclude that strength has a significant influence on rapid change of direction ability in predefined movements, while in the presence of external stimuli to which the subjects must react, sensory and cognitive abilities of the athlete become more important. We also found that the majority of handball players in this study had a preferred turning side when changing direction. The side of turning was independent of lower limb ability or lower limb dominance, but a pattern emerged in which subjects with a preferred side of turning showed a non-cross laterality profile.

Keywords:handball, agility, change of direction, strength and power, lower extremities

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