
Matematično modeliranje fazne transformacije hidratiziranega titanovega dioksida iz anataza v rutil
ID Novak, Doroteja Marija (Author), ID Marinšek, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Povzetek: Titanov dioksid je anorganska polimorfna spojina, ki se v naravi pojavlja v različnih kristalnih strukturah oz. modifikacijah. Znane so tri kristalne oblike: anataz, rutil in brukit. Najbolj pogosta uporaba TiO2 je v obliki belega pigmenta, ki vsebuje rutil in se uporablja za ustvarjanje beline v premazih, pakirnih embalažah in drugih materialih. Za proizvajanje belega pigmenta poznamo sulfatni ali kloridni postopek. Pri sulfatnem postopku med procesom kalcinacije pri visokih temperaturah poteče fazna transformacija iz anataznega TiO2 v rutil. Če poznamo temperaturni interval, v katerem pride do fazne transformacije ter čas trajanja procesa, lahko temu primerno priredimo čas segrevanja TiO2 v peči in na ta način prihranimo veliko energije ter posledično stroškov. V tej magistrski nalogi smo analizirali tri vzorce, ki so bili vzeti iz proizvodnje belega pigmenta po sulfatnem postopku pred kalcinacijo. Termično obdelavo vzorcev smo spremljali z napravo, ki hkrati izvaja termogravimetrično in diferenčno termično analizo ter je sklopljena z masnim spektrometrom. Nato smo vzorce posneli z XRD in HTXRD. Najprej smo segrevali vsakega posebej do različnih temperatur v električni cevni peči, kjer smo jih termostatirali in nato z XRD posneli difraktogram vsakega ohlajenega vzorca. Pri enakih temperaturah smo izvedli HTXRD analizo, kjer smo posneli difraktogram vsakih 10 minut med termostatiranjem pri določeni temperaturi. Tako smo in situ spremljali pretvorbo anataza v rutil pri različnih temperaturah. Za podatke o vsebnosti faz smo uporabili Rietveldovo metodo ter tako izračunali konverzijo, ki smo jo potrebovali za kinetično analizo fazne transformacije. S pomočjo matematičnega modela smo določili kinetične parametre. Uporabili smo Avramijevo metodo in linearizacijsko metodo, ki predstavlja linearizirano obliko Avramijeve enačbe. Kinetične parametre smo določili tako, da smo poiskali funkcijo, ki se po eni ali drugi metodi najbolj prilega eksperimentalnim podatkom. Po vsaki metodi smo dobili primerljive vrednosti kinetičnih parametrov, kinetične energije vseh vzorcev so enakega reda velikosti. Zaradi kompleksnosti procesa je predpostavka prave aktivacijske energije nenatančna, zato smo končno vrednost aktivacijske energije procesa imenovali kot navidezno aktivacijsko energijo (angl. apparent activation energy).

Keywords:Ključne besede: titanov dioksid, fazna transformacija, kinetika, Rietveldova metoda, Avramijeva enačba
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155396 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:191507203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Mathematical modeling of phase transformation of hydratized titania from anatase to rutile
Abstract: Titanium dioxide is an anorganic polymorfic compound that exists in different crystallographic structures. Three most common crystallographic structures are anatase, rutile and brookite. The most common use of TiO2 is in the form of a white pigment, which contains rutile and is used to deliver opacity and whiteness in paints, packaging and other materials. For production of white pigment, sulfate or chloride processes are known. In the sulfate process during calcination at high temperatures, a phase transformation from anatase TiO2 to rutile occurs. Given the exact temperature and time of a complete phase transformation, heating time of titania in oven can be shortened. This way, a lot of energy and production costs can be saved. In this master's thesis, three samples of white pigment were analysed. The samples were taken from the production of TiO2 by sulfate process, before the calcination. Samples were analysed by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis, coupled with mass spectrometry. Afterwards XRD and HTXRD analyses were done. First, each sample was heated to a certain temperature and termostated, afterwards XRD measurements of cooled samples were made. At the same temperatures HTXRD measurements were also conducted. While thermostating at a certain temperature, every 10 minutes a diffractogram was recorded. This way the transformation from anatase to rutile was observed at different temperatures. The Rietveld method was used to obtain the phase content data in order to calculate the conversion, needed for the kinetic analysis of a phase transformation. Using a mathematical model, kinetic parameters were found. The Avrami method and the linearisation method, which is a linear form of the Avrami method equation, were used for calculations. Kinetic parameters were calculated by finding the function that best fits the experimental data by one method or the other. Using either of the two methods, comparable values of kinetic parameters were obtained, where values of calculated activation energies were in the same range. Complexity of the process makes the assumption of the actual activation energy imprecise, meaning that the term of the activation energy is in fact referred to the apparent activation energy.

Keywords:Keywords: Titania, phase transformation, kinetics, Rietveld method, Avrami equation

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