
Analiza oblikovanja političnih omrežij v Evropskem parlamentu na primeru zakonodajnih predlogov parlamentarnega obdobja 2014-2019 : magistrsko delo
ID Gutirea Trishina, Irina (Author), ID Durnik, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Umek, Lan (Comentor)

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Tema magistrskega dela se osredotoča na analizo oblikovanja političnih omrežij v Evropskem parlamentu (EP) med 8. zakonodajnim obdobjem (2014–2019). Raziskava je bila motivirana z željo po razumevanju vzorcev oblikovanja t. i. »zakonodajnih koalicij«, ki jih je mogoče identificirati tudi preko uspešnega usklajevanja med evropskimi poslanci v obliki skupno predlaganih predlogov sprememb. Namen tega dela je bil identificirati vzorce sodelovanja med poslanci, ki pripadajo določeni evropski politični skupini in državi članici EU, ter preveriti šest predpostavljenih hipotez. Metodologija raziskovanja temelji na analizi političnega omrežja z uporabo odprtokodnega programa Gephi in kvantitativnih metod za analizo več kot 150.000 zakonodajnih predlogov sprememb. Ugotovitve raziskave so med drugim pokazale, da imajo politične skupine pomembno vlogo v obnašanju evroposlancev, saj se poslanci pri pripravi predlogov sprememb zakonodajnih aktov bolj nagibajo k sodelovanju znotraj svojih političnih skupin. Poleg tega so ugotovitve razkrile, da geografska pripadnost ali nacionalna solidarnost nista glavna dejavnika. Raziskava osvetljuje, da kljub »sanitarnemu kordonu«, ki je nekatere skupine EP v določeni meri izključil iz parlamentarnega dela, to slednje ni nujno vodilo v popolno politično izolacijo. Večina evroskeptičnih skupin, z izjemo skupine ENF, vzpostavlja obsežne povezave s poslanci iz neevroskeptičnih skupin, kar kaže na njihovo aktivno vključevanje v parlamentarne procese preko ideoloških meja. Rezultati raziskave prispevajo k boljšemu razumevanju političnih procesov v EP ter obsežnosti vpliva političnih skupin in držav članic EU na zakonodajne odločitve, obenem pa ponuja vpogled v dinamiko političnih omrežij, kar je koristno med drugim tudi za globlji uvid v politične sile, ki oblikujejo naš vsakdan in vplivajo na vse ravni družbe.

Keywords:zakonodajne koalicije, predlogi zakonodajnih sprememb, Evropski parlament, analiza socialnih omrežij, politična omrežja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Gutirea Trishina]
Number of pages:XV, 139 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155345 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:190938115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:An analysis of the formation of political networks in the European Parliament, using the example of the legislative proposals of the 2014-2019 parliamentary term
This Master's thesis analyses the formation of political networks in the European Parliament (EP) during 8th legislative term (2014-2019). The research was motivated by the desire to understand formation patterns of the so-called »legislative coalitions«, which can also be identified through the successful coordination between MEPs in the form of jointly proposed amendments. The aim of this work was to identify cooperation patterns between MEPs belonging to a particular European political group and an EU Member State and to test six hypotheses. The research methodology is based on policy network analysis using the open-source Gephi software and quantitative methods to analyse more than 150.000 legislative amendments. The findings show, among others, that political groups play an important role in MEPs' behaviour, as MEPs are more inclined to cooperate within their political groups when drafting amendments to legislative acts. In addition, the findings reveal that geographical affiliation or national solidarity are not the main factors. The study highlights that, despite the »sanitary cordon« which has to some extent excluded some groups of MEPs from parliamentary work, this has not necessarily led to complete political isolation. Most Eurosceptic groups, with the exception of the ENF, have extensive links with MEPs from non-Eurosceptic groups, indicating their active involvement in parliamentary processes across ideological boundaries. The results of the survey contribute to a better understanding of political processes in the EP and the extent of the influence of political groups and EU Member States on legislative decisions, while offering insights into the dynamics of political networks, which is also useful for deeper insights into the political forces that shape our daily lives and influence all levels of the society.

Keywords:legislative coalitions, legislative amendments, European Parliament, social network analysis, political networks

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