
Kako omogočiti mladim stik s slovstveno folkloro v urbanem okolju?
ID Koritnik, Barbara (Author)

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Slovstvena folklora je za vsak narod pomembna, saj predstavlja njegov spomin; če človek tega spomina ne zapiše ter objavi, je za prihodnje rodove tako, kot da ga ni bilo. Naša prihodnost so mlajše generacije, ki jim moramo privzgojiti potrebo po ohranjanju ter prenašanju izročila potomcem, kar je v urbanem okolju nekoliko težje. Zato si slovstvena folkloristika vsekakor zasluži svoje mesto v našem šolstvu. V osemletni osnovni šoli je bilo slovstveni folklori namenjenega zelo malo prostora. Obravnavana je bila le pri predmetu slovenski jezik, in še to le nekatere ljudske pesmi in pripovedi. Z devetletno osnovno šolo smo pridobili neobvezni izbirni predmet šolsko novinarstvo, v okviru katerega je slovstveni folkloristiki namenjena tretjina ur. Projektna oblika dela, ki je priporočljiva za ta predmet, omogoča delo na terenu, s tem pa učenci pridejo v stik s slovstveno folkloro tudi v urbanem okolju, jo doživijo, začutijo svoje korenine in se tako vrastejo v svoje okolje. Vendar pa je ta neobvezni izbirni predmet še vedno premalo, da bi lahko uspešno razvili pozitiven odnos in spoštovanje do slovstvene folklore. Narod, ki dovolj ceni sebe, svoj jezik in kulturo, mora poskrbeti, da imajo učenci dovolj možnosti za stik s folklorno tradicijo, in v šolah nameniti več prostora za to dejavnost. Vsebina predmeta bi morala biti namenjena vsem učencem, slovstveno folkloristiko pa bi bilo treba vplesti tudi med vsebine ostalih predmetov ter s tem vzpostaviti medpredmetne povezave.

Keywords:slovstvena folklora, slovstvena folkloristika, ustno slovstvo, slovenska književnost, osnovne šole, izbirni predmeti, šolsko novinarstvo, projektno delo, terensko delo, učni načrti, medpredmetne povezave, urbano okolje
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 495-505
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155083 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:72009058 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.03.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Književnost v izobraževanju - cilji, vsebine, metode
Editors:Boža Krakar-Vogel
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za slovenistiko, Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik
COBISS.SI-ID:242242304 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:25
Collection ISSN:1408-211X

Secondary language

Literary folklore is a very important part of every nation's past, its memory. If the past is not recorded or published, it is as if it had never existed. The younger generations are our future and we have to impart to them the need to preserve and pass on this tradition to their descendants, but this is difficult in an urban environment. For this reason the study of literary folklore deserves to be included in our school system. Very little space was given over to literary folklore in eight-year primary schooling: it was dealt with only as discussion of some folk songs and tales within the subject Slovene language. With the shift to nine-year primary schooling, we gained the new optional subject school journalism, within which literary folklore can be the subject of a third of lessons. Project work is a suitable method, which makes fieldwork possible. Through practical work, pupils come into contact with literary folklore even in the urban environment. They experience it, connect with it and in this way become more rooted. Nevertheless, the integration of an optional subject itself is not enough to successfully develop a positive attitude and respect for literary folklore. A nation that appreciates its roots, its language and culture has to provide opportunities for children to come into contact with the folklore tradition and to devote more time to developing this discipline. The content of the subject school journalism ought to be accessible to all pupils and the study of literary folklore should be integrated into other subjects which would facilitate an interdisciplinary approach to teaching.

Keywords:literary folklore, study of literary folklore, oral literary folklore, Slovene literature, primary school, optional subjects, school journalism, project work, field work, teaching plan, interdisciplinary approach, urban enviroment

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