
Vpliv nanosa fosforjevih foliarnih gnojil na kakovost jabolk sorte ‘Pinova’
ID Cuderman, Matic (Author), ID Veberič, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Raznolikost sort jabolk na trgu omogoča potrošnikom izbiro, ki je pogosto odvisna od videza sadja. Za sorto 'Pinova' je potrebno, da je vsaj 1/3 površja plodov rdeče barve. Nezadostna obarvanost je lahko težava, saj zmanjšuje tržno vrednost sadja. Kmetijska praksa, kot je foliarno gnojenje s fosforjevimi gnojili, lahko izboljša barvo, vendar takšni poskusi za sorto 'Pinova' še niso bili izvedeni. Naš cilj je raziskati učinek foliarnega gnojenja s fosforjevima gnojiloma (MKP, Phostrade Ca) na barvo jabolk sorte 'Pinova', brez negativnega vpliva na količino ali kakovost pridelka. Zanimal nas je tudi vpliv termina obiranja na intenzivnost barve, vsebnost suhe snovi, škrobno vrednost, čvrstost jabolk ter vsebnost sladkorjev, organskih kislin in fenolov. Za zrelostne teste smo uporabili po 20 jabolk iz vsakega obravnavanja, prav tako za laboratorijske teste. Rezultati poskusa kažejo, da med obravnavanji ni statistično značilnih razlik v vsebnosti sladkorja in organskih kislin. Večje vsebnosti fenolnih skupin v mesu in kožici so bile ugotovljene pri plodovih, tretiranih z gnojilom Phostrade Ca. Meritve kakovosti plodov glede velikosti, mase, čvrstosti, suhe snovi in barve niso pokazale statistično pomembnih razlik med tretiranji. Glede na termin obiranja so bila jabolka iz prvega obiranja, ki so bila gnojena s foliarnimi gnojili, bolj čvrsta, medtem ko so plodovi iz drugega obiranja v primerjavi s kontrolo vsebovali več suhe snovi. Učinek foliarnega gnojenja s fosforjem na izboljšanje barve jabolk sorte 'Pinova' ni bil potrjen, prav tako ni bilo statistično značilnih vplivov na druge parametre kakovosti.

Keywords:Foliarno gnojenje, intenzivnost barve, organske kisline, termin obiranja, zrelostni parametri, jablana, fosforjeva gnojila, kakovost plodov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155045 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:189450499 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of applied phosphorus foliar fertilizers on the ‘Pinova’ apple fruit colour improvement
The diversity of apple cultivars on the market gives consumers a choice that often depends on the appearance of the fruit. The 'Pinova' cultivar requires at least 1/3 of the fruit to be red colored. Insufficient colouration can be a problem as it reduces the market value of the fruit. Agricultural practice such as foliar application of phosphorus fertilisers can improve the colour, but no such trials have yet been carried out for the 'Pinova' cultivar. Our objective is to investigate the effect of foliar application of phosphorus fertilisers (MKP, Phostrade Ca) on the colour of 'Pinova' apples without adversely affecting the quantity or quality of the crop. We were also interested in the effect of harvest date on colour intensity, soluble solids content, starch value, firmness and the content of sugars, organic acids and phenolics. For the ripeness tests, 20 apples from each treatment were used, as well as for the laboratory tests. The results of the experiment show that there are no statistically significant differences in sugar and organic acid content between the treatments. Higher levels of phenolic groups in the flesh and skin were observed in the Phostrade Ca fertilised fruit. Measurements of fruit quality in terms of size, weight, firmness, soluble solids and colour showed no statistically significant differences between treatments. Regarding harvest date, foliary fertilised apples from first harvest had higher firmness while fruits from second harvest showed higher soluble solids content as comapred to nontreated control. The effect of phosphorus foliar fertiliser application on the improvement of the colour of 'Pinova' apples was not confirmed, nor were there any statistically significant effects on the other quality parameters.

Keywords:Foliar fertilisation, colour intensity, organic acids, harvest date, maturity parameters, apples, phosphorus fertilizers, fruit quality

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