
Sodobne strateške kulture Združenih držav Amerike, Ruske federacije in Ljudske republike Kitajske : doktorska disertacija
ID Kogoj, Mark (Author), ID Svete, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Malešič, Marjan (Comentor)

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Znanstveno gibanje strateške kulture se pojavlja v več generacijah študij. V nasprotju z realizmom, ki vedenje držav razume izključno kot posledico, iz materialnega okolja izhajajočih priložnosti in omejitev, koncept strateške kulture upošteva vplive kulture, idej in norm, ki določajo motivacije držav in njihovih voditeljev. Raziskovalni pristop, ki je uporabljen v doktorski disertaciji temelji na izhodiščih prve generacije strateške kulture ter strateško kulturo obravnava kot kontekst in sestavni del vedenja. Izbrani pristop ne zanika (izključuje) realističnih predpostavk, temveč na komplementaren način slednje umešča v širši kulturno-zgodovinski kontekst. Disertacija se osredotoča na obrambnovarnostni aspekt vedenja velikih sil v oboroženih konfliktih in varnostni krizi, kjer ni prišlo do neposredne uporabe vojaške sile. Zgodovinske izkušnje na obrambnovarnostnem področju, ki so razvidne iz proučevanja preteklega obrambnovarnostnega vedenja, so sestavni del sodobnih strateških kultur držav. Proučevanje strateške kulture je omejeno na ZDA, Rusko federacijo (RF), do leta 1991 Sovjetsko zvezo (SZ) in Ljudsko republiko Kitajsko (LRK), ki uživajo mednarodni položaj velikih vojaških sil. Tri države so do mednarodnega položaja velikih sil prišle po različnih poteh, ki so posledica različnih strateških kultur, ki se kažejo v indikatorjih, kot so strateška identiteta, zaznava mednarodnih varnostnih vlog ostalih velikih sil, odnos do uporabe vojaške sile ter spoštovanje načel, odločitev in resolucij OZN. Veljavni, uradni obrambnovarnostni dokumenti obravnavanih držav ne odražajo v celoti njihovih strateških kultur, niti niso nujno podlaga za njihovo obrambnovarnostno vedenje. Končno pa je strateška kultura znanstveno relevanten koncept, ki omogoča proučevanje ter uspešno pojasni obrambnovarnostno vedenje držav. Poleg tega prispevek k znanosti predstavlja tudi sam raziskovalni koncept strateške kulture, ki je uporabljen v doktorski disertaciji. Disertacija odpira novo dimenzijo v konfliktologiji preko proučevanja obrambnovarnostnega vedenja ZDA, SZ/RF in LRK v obravnavanih oboroženih konfliktih med leti 1946 in 2022 ter pojasnjevanja vedenja omenjenih velikih sil s strateško kulturo.

Keywords:strateška kultura, strateška kultura ZDA, strateška kultura Ruske federacije, strateška kultura Ljudske republike Kitajske, obrambnovarnostno vedenje, obrambnovarnostni dokumenti
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Kogoj
Number of pages:410 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155042 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:189327875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Contemporary strategic cultures of United States of America, Russian Federation and People's Republic of China
The scientific movement of strategic culture appears in several generations of studies. In contrast to realism, which sees states' behaviour solely as a consequence of opportunities and constraints arising from the material environment, the concept of strategic culture takes into account the influences of culture, ideas and norms that determine the motivations of states and their leaders. The research approach used in this PhD thesis is based on the first generation of strategic culture, which considers strategic culture as a context and an essential component of behaviour. The chosen approach does not deny (exclude) realist assumptions, but rather places them in a broader cultural-historical context, in a complementary way. The dissertation focuses on defence dimension of security of superpower behaviour in armed conflicts and security crises where no direct use of military force has taken place. Historical experiences in the field of defence and security, which are evident from the study of past behaviour, are an integral part of contemporary strategic cultures of states. The study of strategic culture is limited to the USA, the Russian Federation (RF), the Soviet Union (SU) until 1991 and the People's Republic of China (PRC), which enjoy the international status of military superpowers. The three states have achieved their international status of superpowers through different paths, resulting from different strategic cultures. Contemporary, official security documents of three studied states do not fully reflect their strategic cultures, nor do they necessarily form the basis for their behaviour. Finally, strategic culture is a scientifically relevant concept that successfully explains the defence dimension of security behaviour of states. In addition, the research concept of strategic culture itself, which is used in the PhD thesis, is a contribution to science. The dissertation opens up a new dimension in conflictology through the study of behaviour of the USA, the SU/RF and the PRC in the armed conflicts under consideration between 1946 and 2022, and the explanation of behaviour of the aforementioned superpowers through strategic culture prism.

Keywords:strategic culture, strategic culture of the USA, strategic culture of the Russian Federation, strategic culture of the People's Republic of China, defence dimension of security behaviour, security documents

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