
Recikliranje kartonske inteligentne embalaže
ID Pevec, Patricija (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali recikliranje kartonske inteligentne embalaže. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen vpliv imata tiskana RFID-antena in termokromni indikator na reciklabilnost kartonske embalaže, potiskane s tehniko digitalnega tiska. Namen raziskave je bil izdelati kartonsko embalažo z vključeno tiskano elektroniko ter jo reciklirati in oceniti njeno reciklabilnost. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili inteligentno embalažo, njen pomen in razvoj. Osredotočili smo se na dva dejavnika inteligentne embalaže, to sta tiskana elektronika in termokromna barva, vključili smo še krožno gospodarstvo, katerega velik in pomemben del je recikliranje, ter predstavili postopke recikliranja in razsivitve kartonske embalaže ter analizirali stanje že opravljenih raziskav. Za postopek recikliranja smo uporabili metodo Konfederacije evropskih proizvajalcev papirja (CEPI), po kateri smo na koncu določili tudi reciklabilnost, pri čemer smo vzorce razpuščali in nato s postopkom grobega prebiranja določili grobi ostanek. Določili smo še koncentracijo po grobem prebiranju in izdelali vzorčne liste, na katerih smo izvedli test lepljivosti in vizualno oceno. Omenjeno smo ponovili še s postopkom finega prebiranja. Postopek razsivitve smo naredili po metodi Ingede, pri čemer smo uporabili reprezentativne vzorce za preskušani izdelek. Na pridobljenih vzorčnih listih papirja smo preizkušali osnovne, mehanske in optične lastnosti. Ugotovili smo, da je bil rezultat reciklabilnosti pri vseh analiziranih vzorcih zelo dober in je pokazal, da so vsi primerni za postopek standardnega recikliranja, tudi izkoristek recikliranja je pri vse vzorcih nad 99 %. Sicer so bila opazna odstopanja pri vzorcih s tiskano elektroniko, ki so vsebovali tudi ostanke funkcionalne in termokromne barve, vendar v večji meri niso vplivala na končni rezultat. S tem smo potrdili hipotezo, da bo embalaža dobro reciklabilna, da tiskana elektronika ne bo v večji meri vplivala na reciklabilnost, opazili smo razliko v reciklabilnosti med potiskom inteligentnih elementov neposredno na karton ali na etiketo in potrdili dejstvo, da bo embalaža primerna za postopek razsivitve.

Keywords:recikliranje, inteligentna embalaža, RFID-antena, termokromni indikator, razsivitev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155028 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Recycling of intelligent cardboard packaging
The recycling of intelligent cardboard packaging was the subject of our master's thesis. We were interested in the impact of a printed RFID antenna and a thermochromic indicator on the recyclability of cardboard packaging printed with the digital printing technique. The aim of the study was to produce and recycle cartons incorporating printed electronics and to assess their recyclability. In the theoretical part, we presented intelligent packaging, its importance and development. We focused on two factors of intelligent packaging, i.e., printed electronics and thermochromic ink. We also included the circular economy, of which recycling is a large and important part, presented the recycling and deinking processes of cardboard packaging, and analysed the state of the art of the research. For the recycling process, we used the Confederation of European Paper Manufacturers' (CEPI) method, which was also used at the end to determine the recyclability by dissolving the samples and then determining the coarse residue by means of a coarse screening process. The concentration after the coarse screening was also determined and handsheets were produced on which the adhesiveness test and visual assessment were carried out. This was repeated with the fine screening process. The deinking process was carried out according to the INGEDE method, using handsheets of the test product. The handsheets obtained were tested for basic, mechanical and optical properties. We have concluded that the recyclability result for all the tested samples was very high, showing that all samples are suitable for the standard recycling process. Moreover, the recycling efficiency is above 99% for all samples. Although there were variations in the samples with printed electronics containing functional and thermochromic ink, they had no major effect on the final result. This has confirmed the hypothesis that the packaging will recycle well and that the printed electronics and thermochromic ink will not have a major effect on recyclability. We have also detected a difference in recyclability between printing the intelligent elements directly on the cardboard or on the label, and confirmed the fact that the packaging will be suitable for the deinking process.

Keywords:recycling, intelligent packaging, RFID antenna, thermochromic indicator, deinking

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