
Prisotnost in uporaba nestrukturiranih materialov v vrtcu : diplomsko delo
ID Poljanšek, Katja (Author), ID Berčnik, Sanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Prisotnost in uporaba nestrukturiranih materialov v vrtcu je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni strukturiranost igralnega materiala, strukturiranost okolja, vrste nestrukturiranih materialov, učinek nestrukturiranih materialov na igro otrok in vloga vzgojitelja pri igri. Pri igri otroci uporabljajo različne igrače, zato je pomembno, da vzgojitelji temu primerno pripravijo prostor in otrokom omogočijo materiale, ki bodo spodbudili njihovo ustvarjalno igro (Marjanovič Umek v Braemer idr., 2006). Igrače glede na strukturiranost razvrstimo od nestrukturiranega igralnega materiala do vedno bolj strukturiranega (Fekonja v Marjanovič Umek in Zupančič, 2006). Nestrukturirani materiali otrokom omogočajo uporabo lastne domišljije, saj nimajo določenega načina uporabe. Na ta način spodbujajo ustvarjalno igro, medsebojno dogovarjanje, sodelovanje ter razvijanje fine in grobe motorike (Novak, 2017; Engelen idr., 2017). V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni rezultati anketiranja vzgojiteljev in pomočnikov vzgojiteljev, zaposlenih v različnih vrtcih po Sloveniji, glede odnosa do prisotnosti in uporabe nestrukturiranih materialov v vrtcu. Rezultati so pokazali, da nekateri anketiranci ne vedo, kateri materiali sodijo med nestrukturirane. V slovenskih vrtcih imajo otroci v veliki meri nestrukturirane materiale na voljo vsak dan. Z anketno raziskavo sem ugotovila, da v vrtcih po Sloveniji še vedno prevladujejo strukturirani materiali (86,89 %) in tudi otroci se pogosteje igrajo z njimi. Približno tretjini anketiranih (32,79 %) uporaba le nestrukturiranih materialov ne predstavlja nobenih ovir, ostali pa imajo pri tem določene zadržke. Glede na odgovore anketirancev lahko sklepam, da se kljub oviram vzgojitelji zavedajo, kako pomembno je, da otrokom zagotovimo igro v nestrukturiranem okolju z nestrukturiranimi materiali.

Keywords:otrok, igra, igrače, nestrukturiran material, vzgojitelj, predšolska vzgoja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Poljanšek
Number of pages:45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154854 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:188175363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.03.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Presence and use of unstructured materials in kindergarten
The thesis with title Presence and use of unstructured materials in kindergarten is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part introduces the structuring of play material, the structuring of the environment, types of unstructured materials, the effect of unstructured materials on children's play and the role of kindergarten teachers in play. Children use different toys when playing, thus it is important for teachers to prepare the playroom accordingly and provide them with materials, that will stimulate the children's creative play (Marjanovič Umek v Braemer idr., 2006). Depending on their structure, toys are classified from unstructured play material to increasingly structured ones (Fekonja v Marjanovič Umek and Zupančič, 2006). Unstructured material allows children to use their own imagination, as it does not have a specific way of use. In this way, it encourages creative play, communication, cooperation and the development of fine and gross motor skills (Novak, 2017; Engelen idr., 2017). The empirical part of the thesis is focused on the analysis of a survey results conducted among kindergarten teachers and teachers’ assistants employed in different kindergartens in Slovenia. It was based on their perspective and their attitude towards the presence and use of unstructured materials in kindergarten. The results have shown that not all respondents know which materials are referred to as unstructured materials. In Slovenian kindergartens, unstructured materials are at children’s disposal every day. The survey has shown that structured materials still dominate (86.89 %) in kindergartens in Slovenia and children also tend to play with them more frequently. A third of the respondents (32.79%) voiced a favourable attitude towards the use of only unstructured materials, while the rest had certain reservations. Based on the respondents' answers it can be assumed, that despite the obstacles, teachers are aware of the importance of providing children with play in an unstructured environment with unstructured materials.

Keywords:a child, play, toys, unstructured material, kindergarten teacher

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