
Vpliv spremenjenega načina dela v času pandemije na zaposlene v trgovinski dejavnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Rozman, Maja (Author), ID Stare, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pandemija covida-19 je marca 2020 prizadela vse sektorje gospodarstva in javne uprave ter spremenila način dela. Številne organizacije po vsem svetu so doživele prekinitve dobavnih verig, upad povpraševanja po njihovih izdelkih in storitvah, pomanjkanje zalog ter zaprtja poslovnih obratov, ki jih je odredila vlada. S takšnimi izzivi se je soočala tudi trgovinska dejavnost. Temeljni namen magistrskega dela je analizirati spremenjen način dela v trgovinski dejavnosti v času virusne pandemije covida-19, s tem pa prispevati k boljšemu razumevanju problematike. Magistrsko delo zajema tako teoretični kot empirični del, ki sta medsebojno prepletena skozi celotno raziskavo. V raziskavi je uporabljen anketni vprašalnik, v katerem so zaposleni v režijskem delu izbranih dveh organizacij anketirani na temo fleksibilnosti, tehnologije, poklicnega in zasebnega življenja ter zadovoljstva. Izvedena je mednarodna primerjava v izbranih dveh državah. Kot glavna metoda je uporabljena kvantitativna metoda. V okviru raziskave je bilo ugotovljeno, da si zaposleni želijo še naprej obdržati delo od doma ali hibridno delo. Zadovoljstvo s komuniciranjem s sodelavci se v času med pandemijo ni spremenilo. Prav tako so bili zaposleni zadovoljni s tehnologijo in s tehnološko podporo v času pandemije covida-19. Dve hipotezi od štirih smo skozi raziskavo delno potrdili, medtem ko je ena hipoteza zavržena in ena potrjena. Prispevek k proučevanemu področju je predvsem v tem, da bodo podjetja ob pojavu ponovne pandemije že imela smernice, kako pravilno odreagirati v dani situaciji. Obenem ne bodo zapravljali časa za ponovna raziskovanja, prilagajanje načina dela situaciji, iskanje tehnološke opreme.

Keywords:spremenjen način dela, pandemija covida-19, zaposleni, trgovinska dejavnost, študija primera.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Rozman]
Number of pages:IX, 78 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154738 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:188024835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.02.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of changed working arrangements during pandemic for the employees in trade industry
The Covid-19 pandemic hit all sectors of the economy and public administration in March 2020 and changed the way we work. Many organizations around the world have experienced supply chain disruptions, a drop in demand for their products and services, stock-outs and government-ordered closures. The trading activity also faced such challenges. The fundamental purpose of this master's thesis is to analyze the changed way of work in the trading sector during the Covid-19 viral pandemic, thereby contributing to a better understanding of the issue. The thesis comprises both theoretical and empirical parts, which are interwoven throughout the entire research. A survey questionnaire is used in the research, where employees in the administrative departments of two selected organizations are interviewed on the topics of flexibility, technology, work-life balance, and satisfaction. An international comparison is conducted in two selected countries. The main method used is the quantitative method. The research found that employees wish to continue working from home or in a hybrid model. Satisfaction with communication with colleagues did not change during the pandemic. Similarly, employees were satisfied with technology and technological support during the Covid-19 pandemic. Two out of four hypotheses were partially confirmed through the research, while one hypothesis was rejected, and one was confirmed. The contribution to the field of study lies primarily in the fact that companies, in the event of a recurrent pandemic, will already have guidelines on how to react appropriately in the given situation. They will not waste time on further research, adapting work methods to the situation, or searching for technological equipment.

Keywords:changed way of working, Covid-19 pandemic, employees, trade activity, case study.

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