
ID Turk, Andraž (Author), ID Jenček, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo v prvem delu opisuje razloge za vpeljavo elektromobilnosti, ki postaja vedno bolj aktualno področje, ko govorimo o prihodnosti prometa. Natančneje so opisane lastnosti nekaterih cestnih prevoznih sredstev, zlasti osebnih avtomobilov, in navedene proizvodne značilnosti baterij, ki jih potrebujemo za njihovo izdelavo. V nadaljevanju je podrobno predstavljena statistika, ki prikazuje, kako se je v evropskem prostoru v zadnjih letih povečevalo število električnih vozil in električnih polnilnic ter kakšno vlogo so pri tem odigrale posamezne države. Drugi del diplomskega dela pa zajema statistične podatke, ki predstavljajo, kako se je v zadnjih letih povečevalo število električnih vozil in električnih polnilnic v Sloveniji, kakšno vlogo je imela pri tem država, kakšne so trenutne cene polnjenja, ter navaja dejavnike, ki bodo v prihodnosti vplivali na razvoj elektromobilnosti v Sloveniji. Primerjava vseh statistik in zbranih podatkov, ki se nanašajo na Slovenijo ter ostale države članice EU, potrjuje hipotezo, zapisano v uvodu, ki pravi, da bo uvajanje elektromobilnosti v Sloveniji odvisno od usklajenega razvoja voznega parka električnih cestnih vozil ter polnilne infrastrukture.

Keywords:uvajanje elektromobilnosti, električna vozila, polnilna infrastruktura, proizvodnja baterij, subvencije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.02.2024
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Secondary language

In the first part, the diploma thesis describes the reasons for the introduction of electromobility, which is becoming an increasingly topical field when it comes to the future of transport. The characteristics of certain means of transport by road, in particular passenger cars, and the production characteristics of the batteries, needed for their manufacture, are described in more detail. This is followed by the detailed statistics showing how the number of electric vehicles and electric charging stations have increased in Europe in recent years and what role individual countries have played in this regard. The second part of the thesis includes statistical data presenting how the number of electric vehicles and electric charging stations in Slovenia have increased in recent years, what role the state played in this, what are the current charging prices and lists factors that will influence the development of electromobility in Slovenia in the future. Comparison of all statistics and collected data relating to Slovenia and other EU Member States confirms the hypothesis stated in the introduction, which states that the introduction of electromobility in Slovenia will depend on the coordinated development of the vehicle fleet of electric road vehicles and charging infrastructure.

Keywords:introduction of electromobility, electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, battery manufacturing, subsidies

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