
Strukturne, funkcijske in senzorne lastnosti sečnega mehurja na modelu intersticijskega cistitisa
ID Peskar, Dominika (Avtor), ID Erman, Andreja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Intersticijski cistitis (IC) je kronično, aseptično vnetje sečnega mehurja, ki prizadene predvsem ženske. Klinični znaki, s katerimi se kaže IC, so podobni kot pri drugih obolenjih sečil, zato se IC pogosto diagnosticira napačno oz. do njegove končne diagnoze sploh ne pride. Ker etiologija in patofiziologija bolezni nista poznani, je tudi terapija IC zgolj simptomatska. V namen preučevanja IC so v uporabi različni živalski modeli, katerih poznavanje je nujno za verodostojen prenos dognanj na modelih v klinično prakso. V sklopu doktorske disertacije smo analizirali model IC vzpostavljen na miših linije C57BL/6J obeh spolov z večkratnimi aplikacijami ciklofosfamida (CYP) v nizkih odmerkih, kar je eden najpogosteje uporabljenih modelov IC. Strukturne, funkcijske in senzorne lastnosti modela smo analizirali z uporabo številnih molekularnih, celično-bioloških, histoloških in mikroskopskih tehnik. Ugotovili smo, da model odraža ključne patološke spremembe stene sečnega mehurja bolnikov z IC in je zato primeren za preučevanje tega obolenja. Pokazali smo, da so na nivoju transkriptoma procesi prirojene imunosti in regulacije celičnega cikla bolj obogateni pri miših z IC napram kontrolnim mišim ter da se obe skupini živali med seboj razlikujeta tudi v izražanju nekaterih miRNA, ki bi lahko služile kot biooznačevalci IC. V sečnih mehurjih miši z IC smo ugotovili spremembe v izražanju senzornih proteinov in spremembe v obliki in razporejenosti intersticijskih celic znotraj lamine proprije stene mehurja napram mehurjem kontrolnih miši. Ugotovili smo tudi nabor razlik med spoloma v odzivu sečnega mehurja na sprožitev IC. Vnetne spremembe stene sečnega mehurja so bile namreč obsežnejše pri samicah napram samcem, prav tako je bila pri samicah obsežnejša hiperplazija urotelija. Obnova pregradne funkcije urotelija po poškodbi je bila slabša pri tretiranih samicah kot tretiranih samcih, kar bi lahko bilo povezano z ugotovljeno manj obsežno glikozilacijo urotelija pri samicah z IC ter s spolnimi razlikami v regulaciji aktinskega citoskeleta tretiranih živali. Naša raziskava tako potrjuje ustreznost mišjega modela IC za preučevanje tega obolenja, hkrati pa kaže na pomembne razlike med spoloma v odzivu sečnega mehurja na povzročeno vnetje. Poznavanje spolnih razlik, vključno z ugotovljenimi na mišjem modelu IC v okviru doktorske disertacije, bi lahko pomembno pripomoglo k razumevanju mehanizma razvoja IC pri bolnikih, spolno pogojenem pojavljanju ter razvoju učinkovitejše diagnostike in terapije IC.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:intersticijski cistitis, mišji model, sečni mehur, urotelij, strukturne lastnosti, funkcijske lastnosti, senzorne lastnosti
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:MF - Medicinska fakulteta
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154488 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:17.02.2024
Število ogledov:1518
Število prenosov:164
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Structural, functional and sensory properties of the urinary bladder in a model of interstitial cystitis
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic, aseptic inflammation of the bladder that mainly affects women. The clinical presentation of IC is atypical and often resembles other urinary tract disorders, leading to frequent misdiagnosis. Due to the limited understanding of its etiology and pathophysiology, therapeutic approaches for IC are predominantly symptomatic. Animal models play a crucial role in IC research, and their comprehensive understanding is crucial for translating findings from experimental models to clinical applications. In the doctoral dissertation, we analyzed the model of IC in C57BL/6J mice of both sexes, induced by repeated low-dose applications of cyclophosphamide, which is one of the most commonly used animal models for IC. A comprehensive analysis of the structural, functional, and sensory properties of this model was performed using a variety of molecular, cell biological, histological, and microscopic techniques. Our findings indicate that the model effectively reflects key pathological changes observed in the bladder wall of patients with IC, making this model a suitable framework for IC studies. Transcriptome analysis showed that the processes of innate immunity and cell cycle regulation are more enriched in mice with IC compared to control mice. Additionally, differential miRNA expression was observed between control and treated animals, suggesting that some miRNAs could be used as biomarkers for IC. In the bladders of mice with IC, alterations in sensory protein expression and changes in the shape and spatial distribution of interstitial cells in the lamina propria were also observed. Sex-specific responses to IC induction were evident, with females exhibiting more extensive inflammatory changes in the bladder wall and more pronounced urothelial hyperplasia than males. In addition, the restoration of urothelial barrier function after injury was more compromised in treated females than in treated males. This may be related to the less extensive glycosylation of the urothelium in treated females compared to treated males and the different regulation of the actin cytoskeleton between the sexes of the treated animals. Our research thus confirms the relevance of the mouse IC model for studying this disease and reveals substantial differences in the bladder’s response to chronic inflammation between the sexes. Knowledge of sex-specific disparities, including those revealed in the mouse model in the scope of the doctoral dissertation, may importantly contribute to understanding the mechanisms of IC development and its sex-specific occurrence, as well as to improving diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for IC in the future.

Ključne besede:interstitial cystitis, mouse model, urinary bladder, urothelium, structural properties, functional properties, sensory properties

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