Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a very common but little talked about mental disorder. Also known as seasonal or winter depression, it is the annual experience of a depressive episode during the winter months when there is less natural sunlight. If it is neglected as a disorder, it can develop into a serious condition that has a very negative impact on life.The starting point of the theory is that no one is more subject to the environment than those who suffer from mental disorders. The purpose of my master’s thesis is to create a new typology, i.e. a rehabilitation space that does not distance and isolate, but integrates and facilitates the daily life of those suffering from SAD. The tool for creating a new typology is selected architectural factors, with which we influence the new habits of the residents, which in turn alleviate the symptoms of seasonal depression.The location is chosen according to the theoretical starting point, or according to one of the main causes of seasonal depression - lack of sunlight. The criterion for choosing the location was data on the annual average duration of solar radiation in Slovenia. Kočevje is one of the towns with the fewest hours of sunlight throughout the year, which I chose as a suitable location for my master’s thesis.Kočevje has great potential for the development of high-quality communal living and a quality program that will help improve the self-image of the local population.