Changes in the minimum wage do not only have a great impact on the thousands of Slovenians who receive it, but have an enormous impact on the entire economy. Labor-intensive industries, where the cost of labor represents 80 % of the offer price, are also affected by this. The Master's thesis thus focuses on already concluded public procurement contracts. It is noted that public procurement legislation is quite rigid, and existing contracts are difficult to change. Thus, providers are mostly faced with "take it or leave it" conditions, especially when it comes to the contract price and its valuation. The latter generally encounter three situations. Public contracting authorities in the documentation related to public procurements include fixed prices of the contracts, or the contracts are valorised on the basis of Rules on the methods of valuating financial obligations contractually agreed upon by public sector entities, or the contracts are valorised on the basis of the Minimum Wage Act. Since the minimum wage has increased by almost 30 % since 2020, providers have a big problem in creating a suitable contract price, especially if the client decides on the first two methods of valorisation. This results in a reduction in the number of bidders and causes higher bid prices. With this, we are certainly moving away from one of the main principles of public procurement legislation – the principle of economy.