
Pot k Tobakovi hruški : (enodejanka kot primer narečne ustvarjalnosti v praksi)
ID Suljević, Darinka (Author)

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Enodejanka, napisana in odigrana v dolenjskem govoru vasi Breg pri Ribnici, je nastala priložnostno, in sicer je zadostila želji, da bi mlademu rodu čimbolj avtentično približali nekaj dogajanj iz vsakdanjega vaškega življenja v polpretekli zgodovini. Ustno izročilo (pripoved) avtoričinega očeta in še nekaterih vaščanov je bilo prelito v dramsko besedilo, ki z izbiro dejavnosti igralcev, kraja dogajanja, rekvizitov in kostumov vsebino še dodatno približa. Tako za igralce kot za prvonaslovljene gledalce (domačine) sta pomembna še dva dejavnika: da v nekaterih primerih igrajo svoje prave prednike (čeprav ohranjajo svoja osebna imena) in da govorijo v svojem prvem jeziku, tj. v narečnem krajevnem govoru. Skozi jezik se odraža tudi pripadnost oz. tujost skupnosti (drugačen narečni govor orožnikov, drug jezik tihotapca). Tako je v kratko enodejanko (vsega 25 minut) ujet delček krajevne zgodovine, spomin na nekatere pomembnejše vaščane ter predstavitev materialne in duhovne kulture (izumirajoča leksika, hišna in ledinska imena) - in to skozi kraju lasten govor.

Keywords:Breg pri Ribnici, ledinska imena, narečna dramatika, dialektologija, slovenska narečja, dolenjsko narečje, hišna imena
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 487-495
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154331 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.163.6-25.09:811.163.6'282.2(497.4 Breg pri Ribnici)
COBISS.SI-ID:13317379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.02.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Slovenska narečja med sistemom in rabo
Editors:Vera Smole
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete
COBISS.SI-ID:248378368 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:26

Secondary language

This one act play written and acted in the Dolenjska speech of the village of Breg near Ribnica arose from the desire that the younger generation should be able to approach in an authentic a way as possible certain events from everyday village life in semi-recent history. The oral tradition (narrative) of the author's father and other villagers was reshaped into a dramatic text, while the choice of on-stage actions, the location of the events, the stage props and costumes was also intended to bring the content even closer. For the actors and the original audience (locals) two further factors are important: that in some cases they are playing their actual forebears (although they retain their personal name) and that they are speaking in their first language, i.e. the local dialect. Through language they express their belonging to or distance from the community (the different dialect speech of the constables, the different language of the smugglers). Thus the short one-act play (all of 25 minutes) captures a fragment of local history, the memory of some important villagers, and the material and non-material culture (a dying lexicon, house and land names) through the speech of the community.

Keywords:Breg near Ribnica, land names, dialect drama, dialectology, Slovene dialects, Dolenjska dialect, house names

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