
Lastnosti, ki jih zaposleni pripisujejo delovni organizaciji : magistrsko delo
ID Burian, Urška (Author), ID Babnik, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na trgu dela se trenutno srečujemo z izzivi zadrževanja zaposlenih, zato je izredno pomembno, da pozornost aktivno posvečamo doživljanju zaposlenih, tako v kontekstu blagovne znamke delodajalcev kot drugih konceptov, ki se pomembno povezujejo s stališči in vedenji zaposlenih v delovnem okolju med zaposlitvijo. Cilj naše raziskave je na primeru izbranega podjetja raziskati, kako zaposleni doživljajo podjetje, v katerem so zaposleni. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 11 udeležencev, predstavnikov srednjega vodilnega kadra v podjetju. Podatke smo zbrali s polstrukturiranim intervjujem in jih induktivno kategorizirali z metodo tematske analize. Ugotovili smo, da so udeleženci v obdobju pred zaposlitvijo poznali nekaj značilnosti podjetja in vzdušje med sodelavci, da so ob zaposlitvi pridobili informacije o značilnostih podjetja, značilnostih samega dela in o kolektivu ter da so prepoznali priložnosti lastnega razvoja. Aktivni zaposleni predvsem na podlagi vodstva, sodelavcev, v manjši meri pa tudi strank, rezultatov lastnega dela in kompenzacije, ki jo prejmejo za opravljeno delo, podjetju pripisujejo še več lastnosti iz že omenjenih kategorij, dodatno pa še tiste, ki opredeljujejo njegov položaj na trgu, ravnanje z zaposlenimi, vrednote in osebnostne lastnosti ter nakazujejo na maskulinost-femininost. Udeleženci odnos s podjetjem opisujejo na podlagi socialne izmenjave in zaznane podpore, v splošnem pa menijo, da sta njihova trud in doprinos uravnotežena s tem, kar dobijo v zameno, in da si s podjetjem delijo predvsem usmerjenost na dobiček in na ljudi. Praktična vrednost raziskave v magistrski nalogi se tako odraža znotraj preučevane organizacije, saj omogoča vpogled v doživljanje zaposlenih in je potencialno izhodišče nadaljnjega kadrovanja, temu pa sledi tudi vidik stroke, saj je naša raziskava prva kvalitativna raziskava tako v Sloveniji in širše, ki neposredno raziskuje podjetju pripisane lastnosti v vseh fazah organizacijske socializacije.

Keywords:atribucije, zaposleni, socialna izmenjava, značilnosti organizacije, tematska analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Burian]
Number of pages:47 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154242 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:188532227 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.02.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The characteristics the employees attribute to the work organization
In the labor market, we currently face challenges in retaining employees. In this context, it is crucial to actively focus on the employee perception of the employer. This pertains to both employer branding and other concepts correlated to the attitudes and behaviors of employees in the workplace during their employment. The aim of our research was to explore how employees experience the company they work for, in a context of a specific organization. Eleven participants, representing mid-level management in the company, took part in the study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and inductively categorized using thematic analysis. Findings revealed that participants, prior to employment, were aware of certain organizational characteristics and the atmosphere among colleagues. Upon employment, they gained information about the company's features, work characteristics, the atmosphere, and recognized opportunities for personal development. Based on leadership and colleagues, and to some extent also customers, their work results, and the compensation received, they later attributed even more characteristics to the company, from the already mentioned categories. Additional attributions included defining the company's market position, treatment of employees, values, personality traits, and indications of masculinity-femininity. Participants described their relationship with the company based on social exchange and perceived support, generally believing that their effort and contribution are balanced with what they receive in return. They perceived a shared orientation toward profit and people with the company. The practical value of the master's thesis research is seen in the context of the studied organization, providing insights into employee experiences and potential starting points for future HR strategies. Additionally, from an academic standpoint, the conducted research represents the first qualitative study, both in Slovenia and beyond, directly exploring the attributes assigned to a company during all stages of organizational socialization.

Keywords:attribution, personnel, social exchange, organizational characteristics, thematic analysis

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