The master thesis presents the process of creating a photo series in detail without and with subtitles after a short literary work. The creation of the photo series followed the idea of replacing literary texts, so research was done to see if the content of the story could be successfully transferred to the reader.
In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we studied the correlational influences between visual media and text along with included illustrative examples and analyses. We also present an example of a digital story in the form of a photo series with subtitles, which was the basis for our research problem. We look in detail at the term interpretation in different forms of works. Since the interpretation of a work is also directly related to digital literacy, we have reviewed the existing studies and taken the guidelines into relevant aspects of our work. Finally, we present statistics on the frequency of reading printed literature in relation to the impact of technology use. This allowed us to successfully create a testing photo series and further analyse the interpretations.
In the experimental part, we describe in detail the process of selection and analysis of the literary work, on the basis of which we prepared the photographic plan. This is followed by the capturing, selecting and post-processing of the photos into a photo series. The final series was further duplicated and captioned. Finally, we tested the success of the transmission of the story content through structured interviews following the method of analysis of a journalistic photo-narrative. The interview analysis took place in three age-uniform groups, distinguished by the reading media: text, photo series without subtitles or photo series with subtitles. The results were presented graphically.
The study confirmed that the transfer of the content of the literary work through a photo series with subtitles was appropriate and that the sequencing of the photos did not lead to major gaps in the content for the readers. The inclusion of shorter text in the photos did not reduce the diversity of readers' interpretations.
We have successfully transferred the story to a photo series with subtitles. This form of work was shown to be an effective and appropriate method for recreating literary works. The digital age requires us to make content accessible online and to gain both time and knowledge at the same time, which were two of the weaknesses of the individual forms of work when read and interpreted as individual forms.