
Biometrične tehnologije kot metode kibernetske varnosti v zdravstvu
ID Begić, Nerma (Author), ID Umek, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Številni primeri škodljivih učinkov kibernetskih napadov na zdravstvene ustanove so pokazali, da je kibernetska varnost temeljna skrb za varnost pacientov. Gesla je enostavno pozabiti. Pravzaprav na internetu obstaja rek, da je edino resnično varno geslo tisto, ki se ga ne spomnite. Ko ljudje pozabijo svoja gesla, je lahko ponastavitev le-teh frustrirajoča in dolgotrajna. Gesla lahko ukradejo tako, da ljudi zavedejo, da kliknejo slabe povezave ali odprejo nevarne datoteke. Biometrija rešuje obe težavi hkrati, saj uporabniki težko pozabijo, kako biometričnemu sistemu predstaviti svoj obraz ali prstni odtis. Vsekakor je možno, da bi bil nekdo zaveden, da bi svojo identiteto na škodljivi spletni strani potrdil z uporabo biometrije. Vendar to ni običajno, ker imajo biometrične tehnologije in sistemi običajno veliko varnostnih plasti. Biometrija se uporablja v zdravstvenih ustanovah, da zagotovi pravilno identifikacijo ali spremljanje pacientov. Biometrične aplikacije lahko vključujejo nadzor dostopa ali shranjevanje podatkov o pacientih. Primarni cilj je enostavno predstaviti osnovne pojme, ki bodo uporabljeni za boljšo razlago uporabe biometričnih tehnologij v zdravstvu za namene identifikacije in verifikacije pacientov. Predpostavka v diplomskem delu je, da se varnost v zdravstvu izboljšuje z razvojem biometrične tehnologije. V začetnih delih diplomskega dela so razložene osnove biometrije, kaj je in katere so glavne značilnosti. Podrobneje je opisano, kako delujejo biometrični sistemi, različne vrste biometričnih tehnologij in kje se običajno uporabljajo. Prav tako so bile preučene vse biometrične tehnologije, pri čemer so izpostavljene njihove prednosti in slabosti. Raziskane so tudi podrobnosti o tem, kako poteka postopek identifikacije in verifikacije, in razloženo je, kako ti sistemi delujejo. V diplomskem delu je nato predstavljeno, kako se biometrične tehnologije uporabljajo v zdravstvu. To pomeni razumevanje, kako lahko biometrija pomaga pri registraciji in identifikaciji pacientov. Predstavljeni so tudi uporaba biometrije pri dvofaktorski avtentikaciji in načini, kako biometrične tehnologije izboljšajo učinkovitost bolnišnic. Proučeni so tudi resnični primeri uspešne uporabe biometrije v zdravstvu po vsem svetu, kot sta Aadhaar in RightPatient. Poleg prednosti diplomsko delo obravnava tudi različne težave in omejitve, povezane z biometrično tehnologijo v zdravstvu. To vključuje pomisleke glede zasebnosti, situacije, ko so ljudje napačno sprejeti ali zavrnjeni, in težave, s katerimi se srečujejo posamezniki s poškodbami ali manjkajočimi okončinami.

Keywords:kibernetska varnost, kibernetski napadi, biometrija, biometrične tehnologije, zdravstvo, avtentikacija, identifikacija, nadzor dostopa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154136 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:182670595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Biometric technologies as methods of cyber security in healthcare
Numerous examples of the adverse effects of cyber attacks on healthcare facilities have shown that cyber security is a fundamental concern for patient safety. Passwords are easy to forget. There's a saying on the internet that the only truly secure password is one you can't remember. When people forget their passwords, resetting them can be frustrating and time-consuming. They can steal passwords by tricking people into clicking bad links or opening dangerous files. Biometrics solves both problems at the same time, as it is difficult for users to forget how to present their faces or fingerprints to the biometric system. It is certainly possible that someone could be tricked into confirming their identity on a malicious website using biometrics. However, this is not common because biometric technologies and systems usually have many layers of security. Biometrics are used in healthcare facilities to ensure proper identification or monitoring of patients. Biometric applications may include access control or patient data storage. The primary goal will be to easily present the basic concepts that will be used to better explain the use of biometric technologies in healthcare for patient identification and verification. The primary goal will be an understandable presentation of the basics from which the terminology and interpretation of biometric techniques in healthcare for patient identification and registration will be developed. We assume that with the development of biometric technology, security in healthcare improves. In the initial parts of the thesis, we will explain the basics of biometrics, what it is, and what its main features are. We will describe in more detail how biometric systems work, the different types of biometric technologies, and where they are commonly used. We will also examine each biometric technology, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. We will also explore the details of how the identification process works and explain how these systems work. Then we will present how biometric technologies are used in healthcare. This means understanding how biometrics can help with patient registration and identification. We will present the use of biometrics in two-factor authentication and how biometric technologies improve the efficiency of hospitals. We will also study real-world examples of successful use of biometrics in healthcare around the world, such as Aadhaar and RightPatient. In addition to the advantages, we will also talk about various problems and limitations associated with biometric technology in healthcare. This includes privacy concerns, situations where people are wrongly accepted or rejected, and the difficulties faced by individuals with injuries or missing limbs.

Keywords:Cyber security, cyber-attacks, biometrics, biometric technologies, healthcare, authentication, identification, access control

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