
Analiza obrambne taktike vrhunskih nogometnih moštev : magistrsko delo
ID Lulik, Marko (Author), ID Šibila, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pocrnjič, Marko (Comentor)

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Nogomet je igra sestavljena iz večjega števila tehničnih in taktičnih elementov, z žogo in brez nje. V pričajočem magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na taktične vidike igre ter na delovanja posameznika, dveh, treh, štirih igralcev in celotnega moštva v nogometni igri. Skozi proces treninga se igralci učijo in osvajajo številne tehnične in taktične elemente, ki jim nato v igri omogočajo uspešnejše reševanje situacij in sodelovanje s soigralci. Večja kot je usklajenost med posamezniki v ekipi, boljše možnosti ima le ta tako v rezultatskem vidiku kot končnem uspehu, zmagi. Za končni uspeh je velikega pomena uspešna igra v obrambi. Pocrnjič (2020) je v svojem delu predstavil več različnih vrst branjenja, kot so posamični ali individualni način branjenja, skupni ali conski način, aktivni conski način branjenja ali conski presing. Pri vseh naštetih načinih je cilj najprej odvzeti žogo in preiti v napad, nato ovirati nasprotnika tako, da napravi čim prej napako in končno preprečitev doseganja nasprotnikovega zadetka. Za dosego tega cilja je pomembno predznanje in utrjenost tehničnih kot tudi taktičnih elementov igre v obrambi. V samem delu so ti elementi predstavljeni, kot tudi postopno učenje tehničnih in taktičnih rešitev v sami igri. Najprej smo predstavili delovanja posameznika, potem dveh, treh, štirih igralcev in nazadnje sodelovanje več igralcev. Namen magistrskega dela je, da z ogledom video zapisov in analizo igralnih situacij v obrambi na finalnih tekmah velikih mednarodnih tekmovanj med leti 2013 in 2016, prepoznamo tehnične in taktične elemente in končno predstaviti didaktiko, metodiko in postopnost učenja igre v obrambi. Teoretična izhodišča, ki smo jih pridobili tako z analizo vrhunskih nogometašev, kot tudi z lastnimi večletnimi trenerskimi izkušnjami, smo na koncu povezali in predstavili s praktičnimi slikovnimi prikazi dela na igrišču.

Keywords:nogomet, igra v obrambi, analiza, igralne situacije, učenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154094 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:186609923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Model of defence play of top-quality football teams
Football is a game that consists of a large number of technical and tactical elements, either with or without a ball. In this master’s thesis we focused on tactical aspects of the game as well as on the performance of an individual, two, three, four players, and the whole team in a football game. Through the training process the players learn and master the numerous technical and tactical elements, which then allow them to resolve situations more successfully during the game and cooperate with their teammates. The bigger the coordination between the individuals in the team, the better the chances are for the team not only in terms of scoring, but in the ultimate success, the victory itself. Successful defence plays a vital role in the ultimate success of the game. In his work, Pocrnjič (2020) divides several different types of defence, such as individual mode of defence, zonal mode, active zonal mode of defence or zone pressing. The main goal for all is to first and foremost take away the ball and go on the attack, then to block the opponent so that he makes a mistake as soon as possible, and finally to prevent the opponent from scoring. To achieve this goal, it is important to have prior knowledge and consolidation of technical as well as tactical elements of defence play. These elements are presented in the thesis, along with the gradual learning of technical and tactical solutions in the game itself. We first presented the performance of an individual, then two, three, four players, and finally the cooperation of several players. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to identify technical and tactical elements by watching video clips and analysing game situations in defence from the final matches of major international competitions between the years 2013 and 2016, and to ultimately present didactics, methodology, and gradual learning of defence play. The theoretical starting points, which have been obtained through the analysis of top football players as well as many years of personal coaching experience, were in the end linked and presented with practical image displays of work on the field.

Keywords:football, defence play, analysis, game situations, learning

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