
ID Šukljan, Gaja (Author), ID Škerlič, Sebastjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je podrobneje analizirana organizacija in izvedba transporta betonske mešanice v podjetju Rokava d.o.o. Organiziran prevoz je ključen, saj lahko le tako zmanjšamo stroške prevoznikom in uporabnikom prevoznih storitev. Betonska dejavnost predstavlja celoten proces betonskih mešanic od načrtovanja, proizvodnje, organizacije in izvedbe, do transporta in vgradnje. Diplomska naloga se začne z opisom sodobnih informacijskih rešitev pri upravljanju delovnega toka v podjetju. Moja vključenost v organizacijski proces me je prepričala, da je v podjetju še veliko prostora za izboljšanje organizacije dela in prevozov. V diplomski nalogi sem obširno preučila organizacijo dela in prevozov ter opredelila področja, ki jih je treba izboljšati. Poglobila sem se v pomen organizacije dela, njene cilje in učinke ter razložila dejavnike, ki vplivajo na organizacijo procesov. Čeprav izbrano podjetje uporablja napredno tehnologijo in je število zaposlenih majhno, se je pokazalo, da podjetje nima ustrezne programske podpore, zato sem raziskala pomen digitalizacije in različnih metodologij, kot so metoda 5s, 20 ključev, Kaizen, Uravnotežen sistem kazalnikov, Benchmarking in Six Sigma za izboljšanje organizacije. Na podlagi opravljene analize podjetja in njegove organizacije procesov sem predlagala več izboljšav z močnim poudarkom na digitalizaciji, izboljšani komunikaciji in implementaciji različnih metod za izboljšanje odnosov. Pred to raziskavo organizacija dela in prevozov v izbranem podjetju ni bila v celoti optimizirana za izpolnjevanje predvidenega namena, zato sem predlagala ustrezne spremembe organizacije transporta, s katerimi želim pomagati podjetju pri doseganju in preseganju vnaprej zastavljenih ciljev.

Keywords:Organizacija dela, cestni transport, metode, informacijske rešitve, digitalizacija, študija primera.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154077 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.01.2024
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In the thesis, the organization and implementation of the transport of concrete mix in the company Rokava d.o.o. is analyzed in more detail. Organized transport is key, because only in this way can we reduce costs for both carriers and users of transport services. Concrete activity is a broad concept that represents the entire process of concrete mixes from planning, production, organization and implementation, transportation and installation. The thesis begins with a description of the importance of modern information solutions in managing the work flow of the company itself. My involvement in the process itself led me to realize that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the organization of work and transportation in the company. In my diploma thesis, I extensively studied the organization of work and transport and identified the areas that need to be improved. I delved into the very meaning of work organization, its goals and resulting effects, and outlined the factors that influence the organization of processes itself. Despite the fact that the selected company uses advanced technology and has a small number of employees, it turned out that the company does not have adequate software support. As a result, I researched the importance of digitization and different methodologies such as the 5s method, 20 keys, Kaizen, Balanced Scorecard, Benchmarking and Six Sigma for organizational improvement. Based on the analysis of the company and its organization of processes, I proposed several improvements with a strong emphasis on digitization, improved communication and the implementation of various methods for nurturing better relationships. Prior to this research, the organization of work and transportation in the selected company was not fully optimized to fulfill the intended purpose. In light of this, I have proposed appropriate changes to the organization of transport, with which I want to help the company achieve and exceed previously set goals.

Keywords:Work organization, road transport, methods, information solutions, digitization, case study.

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