
Odvisnost dinamike radona od gradbenotehničnih karakteristik in režima dela v izbranih stavbah vzgojno-varstvenih zavodov v Sloveniji in Črni gori : magistrsko delo št.: 60/II.ST
ID Rupčić, Anja (Author), ID Dovjak, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vaupotič, Janja (Comentor)

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Raziskava obravnava dinamiko radona (Rn) v odvisnosti od geološke podlage lokacije in meteoroloških dejavnikov, gradbenotehničnih karakteristik stavbe ter režima dela in prezračevalnih navad v izbranih VVZ v Sloveniji in Črni gori. Na osnovi radonskih kart tveganja za Slovenijo in Črno goro smo izbrali štiri stavbe VVZ, in sicer dve v Sloveniji (SI-1 in SI-2) na področju zmernega tveganja za radon in dve v Črni gori (ME-1 in ME-2) na področju visokega tveganja za radon. Stavba SI-1 ima srednjo zrakotesnost stavbnega ovoja in naravno prezračevanje, stavba SI-2 pa visoko zrakotesnost stavbnega ovoja in hibridno prezračevanje. Stavbi ME-1 in ME-2 imata nizko zrakotesnost stavbnega ovoja in naravno prezračevanje. Režim dela je v vseh izbranih stavbah enak. V vseh štirih stavbah smo izvedli nekajtedenske kontinuirne meritve koncentracije Rn v zraku (večinoma v igralnicah) v obdobju prehoda iz hladne v toplo polovico leta (4. 2.−25. 4. 2022 v SI-1 in SI-2 in 18. 3.−14. 4. 2022 v ME-1 in ME-2). V SI-1 in SI-2 v Sloveniji smo dodatno kontinuirno merili še koncentracijo CO2 (indikator kakovosti zraka v prostorih v času zasedenosti in učinkovitosti prezračevanja). V ME-1 in ME-2 v Črni gori smo dodatno merili povprečne koncentracije Rn v izbranih prostorih in v zunanjem zraku. Najbolj so nas zanimale povprečne koncentracije Rn v igralnicah v času obratovanja vrtcev (8 ur dnevno), ki smo jih izračunali iz kontinuirnih meritev za celotno obdobje in dobili naslednje vrednosti: (i) Slovenija, stavba SI-1, igralnica I1_SI-1, CRn=109  65 Bq m−3 , stavba SI-2, igralnica I1_SI-2 CRn=79  68 Bq m−3 in igralnica I2_SI-2 CRn=69  57 Bq m−3 , (ii) Črna gora, stavba ME-1, igralnica I1_ME-1 CRn=227  207 Bq m−3 , stavba ME-2 igralnica I2_ME-2 CRn=264  191 Bq m−3 in garderoba G1_ME-2 CRn=290  208 Bq m−3 . Koncentracije Rn so v delovnem času v igralnicah ME-1 in ME-2 v Črni gori višje za faktor okrog 3 kot so v igralnicah v SI-1 in SI-2 v Sloveniji. V ME-1 in ME-2 so jutranje koncentracije Rn običajno med 600 in 1000 Bq m−3 , v SI-1 in S1-2 pa med 200 in 300 Bq m−3 . V SI-1 in SI-2 v Sloveniji pa so v delovnem času večkrat presežene koncentracije CO2. Dinamika Rn je v zraku vseh štirih stavb VVZ podobna, poleg geološke podlage pa na območje koncentracije Rn v prostoru odločilno vpliva zrakotesnost stavbnega ovoja. V ME-1 in ME-2 je ta slaba predvsem na stiku temeljne plošče z zemljino (preboji, razpoke), zato talni zrak, bogat z Rn, neovirano vstopa v obe stavbi, kjer se Rn kopiči. V ME1 in ME-2 zadovoljivo nizkih koncentracij Rn ne morejo zagotoviti samo s prezračevanjem, potrebna bi bila radonska sanacija stavb. V SI-1 in SI-2 je koncentracija Rn zadovoljivo nizka, priporočljivo pa bi bilo optimizirati prezračevanje v delovnem času (povečati pogostost in trajanje prezračevanja) zaradi pogosto preseženih koncentracij CO2.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, vrtec, Rn, CO2, stavbni ovoj, prezračevanje, režim dela
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Rupčić]
Number of pages:XII, 74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153373-7284b401-1d9f-10fe-6e20-473cffe665aa This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178871811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Dependence of radon dynamics on building characteristics and work regime in selected educational buildings in Slovenia and Montenegro : master thesis no.: 60/II. ST
The research examines the dynamics of radon (Rn) depending on the geological basis of the location and meteorological factors, the building characteristics and the work regime and ventilation patterns in selected educational institutions in Slovenia and Montenegro. Based on the radon risk maps for Slovenia and Montenegro, we selected four educational buildings, namely two in Slovenia (SI-1 and SI-2) in the area of moderate radon risk and two in Montenegro (ME-1 and ME-2) in an area of high radon risk. Building SI-1 has medium air tightness of the building envelope and natural ventilation, while building SI-2 has high air tightness of the building envelope and hybrid ventilation. Buildings ME-1 and ME-2 have low airtightness of the building envelope and natural ventilation. The work regime is the same in all selected buildings. In all four buildings, we carried out several weeks of continuous measurements of the Rn concentration in the air (mostly in the playrooms) during the transition period from the cold to the warm half of the year (February 4−April 25, 2022 in SI-1 and SI-2 and March 18−April 14, 2022 in ME-1 and ME-2). In SI-1 and SI-2 in Slovenia, we additionally continuously measured the concentration of CO2 (indicator of air quality in rooms during occupancy and ventilation efficiency). In ME-1 and ME-2 in Montenegro, we additionally measured average Rn concentrations in selected rooms and in the outside air. We were most interested in the average concentrations of Rn in the playrooms during the operation of the kindergartens (8 hours a day), which we calculated from continuous measurements for the entire period and obtained the following values: (i) Slovenia, building SI-1, playroom I1_SI-1, CRn=109  65 Bq m−3 , building SI-2, playroom I1_SI-2 CRn=79  68 Bq m−3 and playroom I2_SI-2 CRn=69  57 Bq m−3 , (ii) Montenegro, building ME-1, playroom I1_ME-1 CRn=227  207 Bq m−3 , building ME-2 playroom I2_ME-2 CRn=264  191 Bq m−3 and dressing room G1_ME-2 CRn=290  208 Bq m−3 . Rn concentrations are higher during working hours in playrooms ME-1 and ME2 in Montenegro by a factor of about 3 than in playrooms in SI-1 and SI-2 in Slovenia. In ME-1 and ME-2, morning Rn concentrations are usually between 600 and 1000 Bq m−3 , and in SI-1 and S1-2 between 200 and 300 Bq m−3 . In SI-1 and SI-2 in Slovenia, CO2 concentrations have been exceeded several times during working hours. The dynamics of Rn in the air of all four educational buildings is similar, in addition to the geological basis of the area, the Rn concentration in the room is crucially influenced by the airtightness of the building envelope. In ME-1 and ME-2, this is poor, especially at the contact of the foundation slab with the ground (shafts, cracks), so Rn reach soil air easily enters both buildings, where Rn accumulates. In ME-1 and ME-2, satisfactorily low Rn concentrations cannot be ensured by ventilation alone, radon remediation of the buildings would be necessary. In SI-1 and SI-2, the concentration of Rn is satisfactorily low, but it would be advisable to optimize ventilation during working hours (increase the frequency and duration of ventilation) due to the often exceeded CO2 concentrations.

Keywords:civil engineering, kindergarten, Rn, CO2, building envelope, ventilation, working regime

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