
Likovne upodobitve tolminskega punta med zgodovinsko rekonstrukcijo, kolektivnim spominom in mitom
ID Gostiša, Domen (Author), ID Mahnič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga se ukvarja z likovnim delom kot zgodovinskim virom. Postavlja vprašanje, kaj nam lahko likovna dela povedo o določenem zgodovinskem dogodku, v tem primeru o velikem tolminskem puntu leta 1713. Upodobitve tolminskega punta in tudi pripovedna besedila o tolminskem puntu so začela nastajati precej po tem, ko se je zgodovinski dogodek zgodil, po letu 1900, zato v nekaterih pogledih posamezne upodobitve bolj odražajo čas, v katerem so nastale, kot čas, ki ga upodabljajo, vsekakor pa so, tudi če so narejene na podlagi zgodovinskih virov in točno upodabljajo zgodovinski dogodek, vedno v dialogu s sodobnostjo. Likovna dela z motivom tolminskega punta so materialni predmeti, ki nosijo semantično vsebino. Ti predmeti so tudi dediščina, so tisto, kar smo dobili iz preteklosti in ohranjamo za prihodnost. Tolminski punt je dogodek, ki se je močno usidral v spomin ljudi, razlagali so ga kot pogumno dejanje, kot dogodek, ki je povezan s pravico in svobodo, z vrednotami, ki so prišle v ospredje v 20. stoletju, še posebej pa v času po 2. svetovni vojni, aktualne pa so še danes. Tako je tematika tolminskega punta postala zanimiva z vidika takratne sodobnosti, zanimiva pa je tudi še danes, saj se obletnice punta še vedno obeležujejo. Umetniška dela, ki upodabljajo zgodovinske dogodke, kot je tudi veliki tolminski punt, služijo temu, da se ob tem, ko jih gledamo, spominjamo dogodka, ki so mu posvečeni. Ta dela nam tudi povedo, da je dogodek vreden spominjanja ali da tako meni vsaj tisti, ki je delo ustvaril ali naročil.

Keywords:tolminski punt, dediščina, zgodovinski vir, likovno delo, spomin
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153355 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:183179779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.12.2023
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Title:Depictions of the Tolmin Peasant Uprising between Historical Reconstruction, Collective Memory and Myth
This master’s thesis deals with artwork as a historical source. It poses a question of what works of art can tell us about a particular historical event, in this case the great Tolmin peasant uprising from 1713. It was well after the actual historical event, that is after 1900, that depictions of the Tolmin peasant uprising as well as narrative texts on the subject started to be produced. Therefore, in some respects individual depictions reflect the time in which they were created better than the time they represent. However, even though being based on the historical sources and accurately depicting a historical event, works of art are always in dialogue with the present time. The works of art with the motif of the Tolmin peasant uprising are material objects with semantic content. They are also objects of heritage, something we have been given from the past to preserve for the future. The Tolmin peasant uprising is an event that is firmly rooted in people’s memory. It has been interpreted as an act of courage, as an event related to justice and freedom, to values which came to the fore in the 20th century and even more so in the aftermath of World War II, and which are still relevant today. The theme of the Tolmin peasant uprising was therefore interesting from the point of view of that time, and is still interesting today, as anniversaries of the uprising are still commemorated. When we look at them, works of art depicting historical events, such as the great Tolmin peasant uprising, serve to remind us of the event they represent. They also convey the message that the event is worth remembering, or that this is at least the opinion of the one who created or commissioned the artwork.

Keywords:Tolmin peasant uprising, heritage, historical source, artwork, memory

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