
Sinteza in vrednotenje fluorescenčnih sond iz skupine merocianinov za označevanje lipofilnih struktur
ID Bijek, Klavdija (Author), ID Pajk, Stane (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kokot, Hana (Comentor)

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Fluorescenca je pojav, pri katerem zaradi svetlobnega ali elektromagnetnega dražljaja pride do vzbuditve elektrona, ki preide iz osnovnega v vzbujeno stanje. Pri prehodu nazaj v osnovno stanje ta odda svetlobo daljše valovne dolžine kot jo je absorbiral, kar se odraža v obliki fluorescence spojine. Proces vzbujanja in emisije je lažje predstaviti z Jablonskim diagramom, ki s puščicami prikazuje prehode med posameznimi elektronskimi stanji in tudi znotraj njih. Spojine, ki so sposobne opraviti elektronske prehode in posledično fluorescirati imenujemo fluorofori. Mednje spadajo kumarini in tudi njihova podvrsta merocianini. Zanje je značilna prisotnost aromatskih obročev in karbonilne skupine. Oboji omogočajo številne modifikacije strukture z vezavo različnih substituent, kar pa lahko vpliva tudi na izboljšanje ali poslabšanje fluorescence. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo sintetizirali spojine iz skupine merocianinov. Gre za pomembno skupino fluorescentnih barvil, ki se uporabljajo pri raziskovanju celičnih struktur s pomočjo fluorescenčne mikroskopije, s čimer lahko odkrijemo biokemijsko ozadje patološki stanj. Na podlagi tega lahko vršimo učinkovit razvoj novih, predvsem pa učinkovitih zdravilnih učinkovin. Pri sintetiziranju smo si za potrditev strukture željenih spojin pomagali z NMR spektroskopijo. Uspešno smo sintetizirali štiri spojine in sicer 10(1), 10(2), 12 in 9. Trem smo posneli absorpcijske in emisijske spektre in jim pomerili fluorescenco. Uporabili smo jih tudi za analizo s fluorescenčno mikroskopijo, s čimer smo ovrednotili njihovo ustreznost za označevanje lipofilnih struktur. Ugotovili smo, da so vse spojine primerne za STED mikroskopijo, da so malo okoljsko občutljive na pogoje v okolju molekule in da so fotostabilne, s čimer smo potrdili njihovo ustreznost za namene označevanja celic.

Keywords:Fluorescenca, fluorofor, lipofilne strukture, STED mikroskopija, merocianin
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153332 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Synthesis and evaluation of merocyanine-based fluorescent probes for labelling of lipophilic structures
Fluorescence is a phenomenon in which, due to a light or electromagnetic stimulus, an electron is excited, which passes from the ground state to an excited state. When transitioning back to the ground state, it emits light of a longer wavelength than it absorbed, which is reflected in the form of a fluorescent compound. The process of excitation and emission is easier to present with the Jablonski diagram, which with arrows shows the transitions between individual electronic states and also within them. Compounds that are able to undergo electronic transitions and subsequently fluoresce are called fluorophores. These include coumarins and their subspecies merocyanines. They are characterized by the presence of aromatic rings and a carbonyl group. Both require modifications of the structure by binding different substituents, which can also affect the enhancement or increase of fluorescence. As part of the master's thesis, we synthesized compounds from the merocyanine group. It is an important group of fluorescent dyes that are used in the investigation of cell structures with the help of fluorescence microscopy, which allows us to discover the biochemical background of pathological conditions. Based on this, we can carry out the effective development of new, and above all, effective active substances. When synthesizing, we used NMR spectroscopy to confirm the structure of the desired compounds. We successfully synthesized 4 compounds, namely 10(1), 10(2), 12 and 9. We recorded their absorption and emission spectra and measured their fluorescence. We also used them for fluorescence microscopy analysis, thus evaluating their suitability for labeling lipophilic structures. We found that all compounds are suitable for STED microscopy, that they are so little environmentally affected by the conditions in the molecule's environment and that they are photostable, thus confirming their suitability for cell labeling purposes.

Keywords:Fluorescence, fluorophore, lipophilic structures, STED microscopy, merocyanine

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