
Potencial uporabe blata iz čistilnih naprav v geotehničnih kompozitih : diplomska naloga št.: 240/OG-MO
ID Kastelic, Patricija (Author), ID Logar, Janko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Smolar, Jasna (Comentor), ID Pavšič, Primož (Comentor)

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Zaradi nenehnega naraščanja količine odpadne vode kot posledica izrazite urbanizacije, strožjih zakonskih zahtev glede čiščenja odpadnih voda in večjega zavedanja o potrebi po varovanju vodnih virov, se tako v Sloveniji kot tudi globalno srečujemo s povečanim obsegom nastajanja odpadnega blata iz čistilnih naprav. To blato se generira v procesu čiščenja odpadnih voda, pri čemer se pojavlja potreba po ustrezni obdelavi blata in z njegovim nadaljnim ravnanjem z njim. V fazi obdelave blata so postavljeni trije ključni cilji: stabilizacija, mineralizacija in higienizacija. S temi procesi dosežemo stanje blata, ki ga je mogoče varno uporabiti ali odstraniti. Gradbeni sektor predstavlja enega od trajnostno naravnanih načinov uporabe odpadnega blata, kjer se vzpostavlja krožno gospodarstvo in učinkovito upravljanje z viri. V smislu trajnostnega pristopa k ravnanju z odpadnim blatom se odpirajo različne možnosti uporabe, med katerimi se izpostavlja njegova uporaba v geotehničnih kompozitih. To predstavlja inovativno rešitev, ki ne le zmanjšuje breme odpadkov, temveč tudi prispeva k izgradnji trajnostnih konstrukcij, usmerjenih v zmanjšanje okoljskega odtisa in spodbujanje odgovornega ravnanja z viri. Diplomska naloga celostno obravnava izvor odpadnega blata, njegove lastnosti ter njegovo obdelavo v čistilnih napravah. Osredotoča se na kompleksen izziv ravnanja z odpadnim blatom in poudarja potencialno uporabnost v gradbeništvu, zlasti v oblikovanju geotehničnih kompozitov ter predstavlja zakonodajne okvire uporabe takšnih materialov v Sloveniji.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, VSŠ, GR, OG-MO, odpadna voda, blato iz čistilnih naprav, geotehnični kompozit, razvoj gradbenih materialov, trajnostna gradnja, krožno gospodarstvo, zakonodajni okvir v Sloveniji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Kastelic]
Number of pages:XVI, 63 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153304-27a7a554-037a-01e6-4ec9-f280701abfc6 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178802435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Potential for the use of sewage sludge in geotechnical composites : graduation thesis no.: 240/OG-MO
Due to the steady increase in wastewater volumes as a result of strong urbanisation, stricter legal requirements for wastewater treatment and greater awareness of the need to protect water resources, Slovenia and globally are facing an increase in the generation of wastewater sludge from sewage treatment plants. This sewage sludge is generated in the wastewater treatment process, raising the need to treat and dispose it appropriately. Three key objectives are set in the sewage sludge treatment phase: stabilisation, mineralisation and hygienisation. These processes achieve a state of sewage sludge that can be safely used or disposed of. The construction sector represents one of the sustainable uses of waste sludge, where a circular economy and efficient resource management are being established. In terms of a sustainable approach to the management of sewage sludge, various uses are opening up, one of which is its use in geotechnical composites. This represents an innovative solution that not only reduces the waste burden but also contributes to building sustainable constructions aimed at reducing the environmental footprint and promoting responsible resource management. The thesis comprehensively deals with the origin of waste sludge, its properties and its treatment in wastewater treatment plants. It focuses on the complex challenge of sewage sludge management and highlights its potential applicability in civil engineering, in particular in the design of geotechnical composites, and the legislative framework for the use of such materials in Slovenia.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, waste water, sewage sludge, geotechnical composite, development of construction materials, sustainable construction, circular economy, legislative framework in Slovenia

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