
Pokopališče in pokop: njuni pomeni in oblike skozi prostor in čas Od srednjeveškega cerkvenega dvorišča do razsvetljenskega pokopališča in naprej
ID Banovec, Klemen (Author), ID Ostan, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Naloga obravnava fenomen pokopa, razumevanje smrti ter pomen pokopališča kot prostora poslednjega počitka in obenem zaključene ter prav posebne prostorske entitete. Skozi čas in prostor, predvsem pa znotraj zahodne, evropske civilizacije in od srednjeveškega časa naprej (ponekod se dotika tudi nekaterih drugih prostorov, kultur in obdobij). V tistem času so se namreč začele odvijati ključne spremembe tako znotraj posameznikove kot tudi širše, kolektivne zavesti, ki so se skozi stoletja, ki so nastopila, udejanjile v postopnih spremembah pokopališča. Od raztresenega in vase zaprtega srednjeveškega cerkvenega dvorišča na katerem so trupla gnila vsepovprek, vse do pretanjenega in umetelno urejenega primestnega parkovnega pokopališča, ki je v času razsvetljenstva vzklilo kot odgovor na preteklost in njeno trdovratno tradicije. Ob tem je povzemalo ideale antičnega časa in svoj navdih iskalo v umetnosti. Družbene spremembe skozi čas so se jasno odražale tudi v prostoru. Zlasti je ključna vloga pokopališča znotraj človeškega življenja na vasi in kasneje v mestu, kot prostora, kjer je odnos med živimi in mrtvimi močno izražen. Zaton tradicionalnega pokopališča in vzpon sodobnega sta bila postopna, sočasna in prepletena, razlaga različnih dejavnikov, ki so temu botrovali pa je eden izmed poglavitnih vsebinskih poudarkov. Kot tudi raziskovanje odnosa družbe in kulture do smrti ter načinov našega soočanja z njo. Besedilo prevevajo (grafične) analize raznovrstnih pokopališč, vsako izmed njih ponazarja svojevrstne značilnosti prostorskega razvoja pokopališča skozi različna zgodovinska in slogovna obdobja. Ponekod v želji po razumevanju elementov, ki tvorijo pokopališča ter opredelitvi njihovih medsebojnih odnosov ali pa zaradi njihove povednosti in vloge pri razvoju prostorov mrtvih.

Keywords:Pokopališče, cerkveno dvorišče, pokop, razumevanje smrti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153296 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178850051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Cemetery and burial: their meanings and forms through space and time From The Medival Churchyard to The Enlightenment Cemetery and Beyond
The thesis deals with the phenomenon of burial, the understanding of death and the meaning of the cemetery as a final resting place and at the same time a closed and special spatial entity. Through time and space, and especially within Western, European civilisation and from the medieval period onwards (sometimes touching on some other spaces, cultures and periods), key changes began to take place at that time, both within the individual and in the wider, collective consciousness, which, over the centuries that followed, were embodied in the gradual changes of the cemetery. From the scattered and self-contained medieval churchyard where corpses rotted all over the place, to the subtle and artfully landscaped suburban park cemetery that sprang up in the Enlightenment as a response to the past and its stubborn traditions. In doing so, it took up the ideals of antiquity and looked to art for inspiration. The social changes over time were also clearly reflected in the space. In particular, the role of the cemetery within human life in the village and later in the city is crucial, as a place where the relationship between the living and the dead is strongly expressed. The decline of the traditional cemetery and the rise of the modern cemetery have been gradual, simultaneous and intertwined, and the explanation of the various factors that have contributed to this is one of the main themes. As well as exploring the relationship of society and culture to death and the ways in which we cope with it. The text is interspersed with (graphic) analyses of a variety of cemeteries, each illustrating the unique characteristics of the spatial development of the cemetery through different historical and stylistic periods. Sometimes in an attempt to understand the elements that make up cemeteries and to define their interrelationships, or because of their familiarity and role in the development of the spaces of the dead.

Keywords:Cemetery. churchyard, burial, understanding of death

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