
Pravnosociološki vidiki strateških tožb za onemogočanje udeležbe javnosti (SLAPP)
ID Žitnik, Tisa (Author), ID Štajnpihler Božič, Tilen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava pravnosociološke vidike strateških tožb za onemogočanje udeležbe javnosti (SLAPP), ki so oblika zlorabe sodnih postopkov, s katerimi družbeno in politično močni tožniki zastrašujejo kritične glasove, ki delujejo v javnem interesu. Cilj tožnikov v takšnih postopkih je finančno in čustveno izčrpati tožence, kar od podobnega delovanja odvrne tudi ostale potencialne kritike in s tem preprečiti nadzor nad svojim delovanjem in javno razpravo. Za SLAPP tožbe je značilno, da se pojavljajo na različnih področjih prava v raznovrstnih oblikah, pričujoče delo se zato osredotoča na različne načine njihovega obravnavanja. Z analizo ustreznih človekovih pravic in svoboščin ter pravnih oblik, v katerih se najpogosteje pojavljajo, se delo osredotoča na celovito predstavitev pravnega pojava SLAPP tožb, s posebnim poudarkom na njihovi definiciji in prepoznavanju. Ker gre za relativno nov pojem v evropskem okolju, so države pri ukrepanju precej omejene, saj niti na ravni Evropske unije niti v slovenskem pravnem redu ni posebne ureditve SLAPP tožb. Delo se zato v nadaljevanju posveča njihovi obravnavi s pomočjo analize obstoječih pravnih institutov in širše primerjalnopravne analize. V zadnjem delu se naloga osredotoča na predstavitev slovenskega konteksta s pomočjo analize primerov iz prakse, predstavljene pa so tudi obstoječe pravne možnosti za obravnavo SLAPP tožb in potencialne zakonodajne rešitve, preko katerih bi lahko te postopke v prihodnje učinkoviteje naslavljali.

Keywords:strateške tožbe za onemogočanje udeležbe javnosti, slapp tožbe, javni interes, zloraba pravic, zagovorniki človekovih pravic, novinarji, aktivisti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153173 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:181012483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.12.2023
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Title:Legal and sociological aspects of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP)
This thesis explores the legal and sociological aspects of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP), a type of abusive litigation employed by socially and politically influential litigants to intimidate individuals who voice critical opinions on matters of public interest. The aim is to exhaust the defendant's resources and inflict emotional damage, which functions to deter other potential objectors from pursuing similar action, in a bid to avoid examination and prevent public discussion. SLAPPs can arise in various forms across several legal areas, and this thesis aims to explore different approaches to address them. The work provides a thorough overview of the legal phenomenon of SLAPPs, with a particular emphasis on identifying SLAPP by analysing the corresponding human rights and freedoms and the most common legal forms in which they occur. Since SLAPPs are a relatively new phenomenon in Europe, states are limited in their ability to act due to the lack of specific regulations in both, the European Union and Slovenian legal system. Hence, the thesis explores the issue of addressing them by analysing the relevant existing legal instruments and by conducting a comprehensive comparative legal analysis. The final section of the thesis presents SLAPPs in the Slovenian context through the analysis of case studies. Furthermore, the thesis also presents the relevant existing provisions that may be used to address SLAPPs and potential legislative solutions, which could enhance the issue of addressing SLAPP in the future.

Keywords:strategic lawsuits against public participation, slapp, public interest, abuse of rights, human rights defenders, journalists, activists

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