
Razvoj metode za sledenje medcelične komunikacije bakterije Bacillus subtilis v mikropretočnih napravah
ID Mušič, Lana (Author), ID Mandić Mulec, Ines (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šimunović, Katarina (Comentor)

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V okolju se bakterije pojavljajo v obliki večceličnih struktur, ki so produkt kompleksnih medceličnih socialnih interakcij. Pomemben tip medcelične komunikacije je zaznavanje kvoruma, ki pri bakteriji B. subtilis temelji na sistemu ComQXPA. Cilj naloge je bil razviti sistem za spremljanje bakterij in njihovih interakcij v času ter na nivoju posamezne celice. V ta namen smo vzpostavili mikropretočni sistem v katerem smo gojili bakterije v 2D komorah mikrometrskih dimenzij. Spremljali smo rast in odziv bakterije B. subtilis na signalni peptid ComX z zajemanjem slik s konfokalnim mikroskopom. Najprimernejši pogoj za tovrstne raziskave je bil gojenje bakterij v definiranem gojišču CM, s hitrostjo pretoka 3 μL/min. Slednji je celicam omogočal nemoteno rast v rastnih komorah, obenem pa je preprečil razrast biofilma izven rastnih komor. Pri teh pogojih se je biomasa v rastni komori povečevala v intervalih, z vmesnimi »lag« fazami. V razponu 42,5 ur smo v rastni komori zaznali 3 faze aktivnega povečevanja biomase ter 2 vmesni fazi, med katerima ni prišlo do vidnega večanja biomase. Sočasno smo spremljali intenziteto fluorescence s pomočjo reporterja PsrfA-YFP, ki je bila pokazatelj celičnega odziva na ComX. Ob prvem zajemanju slik (3h po inokulaciji) je bil sistem za zaznavanje kvoruma že aktiven, saj smo že zaznali fluorescentni signal, ki je znašal okoli 640 r.f.u. Slednji se je dinamično vzdrževal tekom prvih 30 ur poskusa, nato pa je sočasno z naraščanjem biomase, močno narastla tudi mediana vrednost fluorescence ter ob koncu poskusa (42,5h) dosegla okoli 1300 r.f.u. V okviru magistrske naloge smo uspešno optmizirali pripravo mikročipov iz PDMS in vodenje procesa v mikropretočnem sistemu, kar je pomembno za kvalitetno izvedbo poskusov, pri katerih v času spremljamo posamezno celico. Poleg optimizacije procesa smo tudi potrdili našo hipotezo, da sta jakost in časovni interval odziva na signal ComX odvisna od hitrosti pretoka in tipa gojišča.

Keywords:Bacillus subtilis, mikrofluidika, zaznavanje kvoruma, fluorescenca
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[L. Mušič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153130 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178310659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Method development for monitoring the cell to cell communication of Bacillus subtilis in a microfluidic device
In the environment, bacteria appear in the form of multicellular structures that are the product of complex intercellular social interactions. An important type of intercellular communication is quorum sensing (QS), which in B. subtilis is based on the ComQXPA system. The aim of the thesis is to investigate social interactions, namley quorum sensing, at the single cell level. To achive this, we aimed to optimize microfluidic device with 2D growth chambers in which B. subtilis cells grow and communicate through ComX dependent quorum sensing that regulates the experssion of the srfA operon. Our results show that growing B. subtilis PS-216 in CM medium, with a flow rate of 3 μL/min is more suitable than at the flow rate of 6 or 0.3 μL/min, because the cells were retained in the chambers and biofilm did not form in side chanels. Interestingly, under these conditions, the biomass in the growth chamber increased in intervals, with two intermediate "lag" phases during 42.5 hours experiment. We also monitored the fluorescence intensity of the PsrfA-YFP reporter as an indicator of the cellular response to ComX. The QS response was detected already at 3h after inoculation (signal measured around 640 r.f.u.) but incerased with the increase of biomass after 30 hours of incubation (signal measured around 1300 r.f.u.). As part of the master's thesis, we successfully optimized the preparation of microfluidic chips from PDMS and the management of the process in the microfluidic system, which is important for the quality performance of experiments in which individual cells are monitored over time. In addition to the optimization of the process, we also confirmed our hypothesis that the strength and time interval of the response to the ComX signal depend on the flow rate and the type of culture medium.

Keywords:Bacillus subtilis, microfluidics, quorum sensing, fluorescence

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