
Taborništvo in podpora mladim vodnikom : magistrsko delo
ID Dravinec, Alja (Author), ID Sande, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu raziskujem stanje podpore, ki jo različni rodovi znotraj Zveze tabornikov Slovenije zagotavljajo mladim popotnikom in popotnicam, ki aktivno opravljajo funkcijo vodnikov, in s kakšnimi težavami se srečujejo pri delu s svojim vodom mlajših otrok. Kot dolgoletna tabornica imam izkušnjo, da sem kot 16-letnica prevzela veliko odgovornost in začela voditi vod mlajših tabornikov. Z vodom sem naletela na veliko različnih težav, s katerimi se nisem znala soočiti, pri tem pa me je ves čas spremljal občutek nekompetentnosti. Znanje za vodenje voda sem pridobila v desetih dneh na vodniškem tečaju, nato pa sem bila prepuščena sama sebi, brez kakršnekoli podpore in pomoči. Opažam, da je v rodu, v katerem delujem, še danes tako, kar me je spodbudilo k raziskovanju stanja podpore po Sloveniji, da ugotovim, ali je to splošen problem. Glede na to, da je taborništvo prostovoljna mladinska dejavnost, v magistrskem delu predstavim tudi področja mladinskega dela in prostovoljstva, v katera je močno integrirana socialna pedagogika. Izpostavim predvsem podporne, vzgojne in izobraževalne razsežnosti, ki so v okviru teh dveh področij, v primerjavi s taborništvom, veliko bolj raziskane, hkrati pa se med seboj močno povezujejo. Z raziskavo želim opozoriti na pomen podpore prostovoljcev in pridobiti vpogled v dobre prakse in uveljavljene načine podpore znotraj taborniških rodov. Na podlagi ugotovljenega oblikujem priporočila za boljše delovanje svojega matičnega rodu Rod gorjanskih tabornikov na področju izvajanja podpore mladim vodnikom. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali na težave pri vodenju vodov mladih vodnikov, predvsem na področju motivacije, priprave aktivnosti in reševanja konfliktov. Kljub prisotnosti različnih oblik podpore, ki so lahko mladim vodnikom pri soočanju s težavami v veliko pomoč, pa je še vedno prisotna potreba po dodatnem znanju, podpori in pomoči.

Keywords:taborništvo, popotniki in popotnice, mladi vodniki, vodenje voda, težave, podpora, prostovoljstvo, mladinsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Publisher:A. Dravinec
Number of pages:130 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153097 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178086147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Scouting and Support for Young Leaders
In my Master's thesis, I explored the state of support for young scout leaders, provided by different scout groups within Scout Associaltion of Slovenia. Besides that I was interested in what problems young scout leaders face when working with small groups of younger children. I have been a scout as long as I can remember and have the experience of taking a great deal of responsibility, when I started leading a group of younger scouts, at sixteen years old. I encountered many different problems that I could not face and solve successfully, and was constantly accompanied by a sense of incompetence. I gained the »necessary« knowledge in short ten days at a guide course, but after that I was left to myself, without any support and assistance. I notice that in the local scout group I volunteer in, this is still the case. This encouraged me to explore the state of support in Slovenia, to determine whether this is a general problem. Given that Scouting is a voluntary activity for youth, I also presented the fields of youth work and volunteering, which is also strongly integrated with social pedagogy. In particular, I have highlighted the support and educational dimensions that are much more researched in these two areas, compared to Scouting, but at the same time they are strongly connected. . I want to emphasize the importance of volunteers' support through research and gain insight into good practices and into established kinds of support within the Slovenian scout groups. Based on the future, I formulate recommendations for a better functioning of my local scout group Rod gorjanskih tabornikov, in the field of supporting young leadears. The results of the study have demonstrated the presence of problems of young especially in the field of motivation, the preparation of activities and conflict resolution. Despite the presence of various forms of support, which can be of great help to young guides in dealing with problems, there is still a need for additional knowledge, support and assistance.

Keywords:scouting, young scout group leaders, problems, support, volunteering, youth work

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