
Kiparski materiali v predšolskem obdobju in prvem razredu osnovne šole : diplomsko delo
ID Žagar, Sara (Author), ID Podobnik, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Umetnost je eno od šestih področij Kurikuluma za vrtce (Bahovec idr., 1999), skoznjo pa otrok izraža svojo kreativnost, misli in občutja. Vsaka od umetniških zvrsti ima svoje specifike in izrazne možnosti. Preko likovne umetnosti se otrok spoznava z različnimi materiali, pri katerih odkriva tudi njihove raznolike lastnosti. V diplomskem delu smo najprej predstavili likovno umetnost v vrtcu in prvem razredu osnovne šole, pri čemer smo se omejili predvsem na področje kiparstva. Predstavili smo tri različne vrste kiparskih materialov, in sicer umetne, naravne in odpadne. Vsak izmed njih ima lastnosti, ki jih otrok spoznava ob rokovanju z njimi. Otroku moramo zagotavljati pestrost materialov skozi vzgojno-pedagoški proces. Pod vsako vrsto materialov smo navedli nekaj primerov in jih opisali. Z uporabo umetnih materialov se otrok sreča tudi z različnimi teksturami in gnetljivimi materiali, s katerimi lahko oblikuje kipe. Pri uporabi naravnih materialov otroke spodbujamo, da opazujejo svet okoli sebe in naravo in tako iz nje črpajo inspiracijo in se preko nje kreativno izražajo, v našem primeru pri likovni umetnosti. Z uporabo odpadnih materialov otrok spoznava, da ima tudi material, ki je že odslužil svojemu prvotnemu namenu, lahko ponovno možnost nove funkcije. S tem skrbimo za spoštljiv odnos otrok do sveta okoli sebe. Opisali smo, kako otrok oblikuje kipe glede na svojo starost, in sicer od prvega do sedmega leta starosti, kar pokriva predšolsko obdobje in prvi razred osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge smo raziskovali uporabo treh različnih vrst materialov: umetnih, naravnih in odpadnih ter se osredotočili predvsem na njihovo uporabo v kiparstvu. Zanimalo nas je, kako pogosto so kiparske vsebine prisotne v pedagoškem procesu v vrtcu in šoli, po katerih materialih vzgojitelji in učitelji pogosteje posegajo in ali materiale med seboj kombinirajo. Zanimalo nas je tudi, na kakšen način materiale pridobivajo ter kakšno je njihovo mnenje o reuporabi kiparskih materialov.

Keywords:likovna umetnost, kiparstvo, materiali, predšolsko obdobje/vrtec, osnovna šola
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Žagar
Number of pages:VII, 69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153090 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-153090 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178081027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Sculptural Materials in Pre-School and the First Grade of Primary School
Art is one of six areas of the Kurikulum za vrtce (Bahovec et al., 1999) and through it the child expresses his creativity, thoughts and feelings. Each of the artistic genres has its own specifics and expressive possibilities. Through fine art, the child gets to know different materials, where he also discovers their diverse properties. In the diploma thesis, we first presented fine arts in kindergarten and the first grade of primary school, limiting ourselves mainly to the field of sculpture. We presented three different types of sculpture materials, namely artificial, natural and waste. Each of them has properties that the child gets to know when handling them. We must provide the child with a variety of materials throughout the educational process. Below each type of material we have given some examples and described them. By using artificial materials, the child encounters different textures and malleable materials with which he can create sculptures. When using natural materials, we encourage children to observe the world around them and nature and thus draw inspiration from it and express themselves creatively through it, in our case with fine art. By using waste materials, the child learns that even material that has already served its original purpose can once again have the possibility of a new function. With this, we take care of children's respectful attitude towards the world around them. We have described how a child creates sculptures according to his age, namely from the first to the seventh year of age, which covers the preschool period and the first grade of primary school education. In the empirical part of the thesis, we investigated the use of three different types of materials: artificial, natural and waste, and focused mainly on their use in sculpture. We were interested in how often sculptural content is present in the pedagogical process in kindergarten and school, which materials educators and teachers use more often, and whether they combine materials with each other. We were also interested in how they obtain the materials and what their opinion is about the reuse of sculptural materials.

Keywords:fine arts, sculpture, materials, preschool/kindergarten, elementary school

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