
''Next stop?'' – Idejna zasnova kulturnega centra z revitalizacijo železniške postaje Opatija – Matulji, v Matuljah
ID Doričić, Viviana Rea (Author), ID Filipič Gorenšek, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema magistrske naloge je revitalizacija železniške postaje Opatija - Matulji, ne le v smislu posodobljenega prometnega vozlišča, temveč tudi kot sodobnega dinamičnega stičišča kulture in trajnostne mobilnosti. Izbrana železniška postaja, prežeta z zgodovino in arhitekturnim pomenom, je ganljiv simbol pretekle dobe, ko so železnice usmerjale razvoj prometa. V nalogi je zato pomemben tudi razmislek globokega odnosa med človekom, kulturo mobilnosti in kulturno dediščino v okvirih sodobne družbe. V svetu, ki ga zaznamuje vse bolj učinkovita mobilnost in hiter razvoj prometnih sistemov, je namen projekta spremeniti obstoječo železniško postajo v vozlišče srečevanja in zadrževanja. Železniška postaja ni končna postaja, temveč le katalizator za potovanje in raziskovanje znanja ter medsebojne povezanosti. V procesu oblikovanja se integrira sodobna tranzitna funkcionalnost, s ciljem spodbujati trajnostne in učinkovite oblike mobilnosti, ob sočasnem ohranjanju zgodovinske celovitosti in arhitekturnega pomena železniške postaje. Naloga odpira tudi vprašanje človekovega odnosa do kulturne dediščine in kako z njeno pomočjo spodbujati dinamiko skupnosti. Obravnavano območje železniške postaje je danes topografsko odrezano od središča naselja Matulji in s strani prebivalcev pozabljeno. Z vzpostavitvijo nove povezave železniške postaje s središčem naselja in vpeljavo novih vsebin, se prostor nadgradi z nabojem kulture. Železniška postaja tako prežeta s kulturnimi vsebinami postane posebnost in simbol kontinuitete, ki odseva pripoved preteklih generacij in jih povezuje s sedanjostjo ter prihodnostjo.

Keywords:arhitektura, prenova, revitalizacija, kulturna dediščina, železniška postaja, trajnostna mobilnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153086 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:180568579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:''Next stop?'' - Conceptual design of a cultural center through revitalisation of the train station Opatija – Matulji in Matulji
The topic of the master's thesis is the revitalization of the Opatija-Matulji railway station, not only in terms of an updated transportation hub but also as a modern, dynamic intersection of culture and sustainable mobility. The chosen railway station, steeped in history and architectural significance, is a poignant symbol of a bygone era when railways shaped the development of transportation. Therefore, the thesis also reflects on the profound relationship between humans, the culture of mobility, and cultural heritage within the framework of contemporary society. In a world marked by increasingly efficient mobility and rapid development of transportation systems, the project aims to transform the existing railway station into a hub for meeting and lingering. The railway station is not the final destination but a catalyst for travel and the exploration of knowledge and interconnectedness. The design process integrates modern transit functionality with the goal of promoting sustainable and efficient forms of mobility while concurrently preserving the historical integrity and architectural significance of the railway station. The thesis also raises the question of human attitudes toward cultural heritage and how it can be used to promote community dynamics. The selected area of the railway station is currently topographically isolated from the center of the Matulji settlement and forgotten by the residents. By establishing a new connection between the railway station and the town center and introducing new elements, the space is upgraded with a cultural charge. The railway station, infused with cultural content, becomes a distinct feature and a symbol of continuity, reflecting the narrative of past generations and connecting them to the present and future.

Keywords:architecture, renovation, revitalization, cultural heritage, railway station, sustainable mobility

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