
Rezilienca pedagogov in mladostnikov v povezavi z religijskim poukom : magistrsko delo
ID Cevzar, Anja (Author), ID Vodičar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava raziskovalno vprašanje rezilience pedagogov in mladostnikov v povezavi z religijskim poukom. Najprej obravnava splošno definicijo rezilience, pri kateri gre za človekovo sposobnost, da se lahko miselno in/ali čustveno spopade z izzivi življenja ter jim uspešno kljubuje. Pojem rezilience se v nadaljevanju prvega poglavja osredotoči na področje psihološke rezilience in njena izhodišča, kot so npr. zavedanje o moči ljubečih medosebnih odnosov, zavedanje staršev oz. pedagogov o prihodnosti vzgajanih otrok/mladostnikov, zavedanje o primernem vzgojnem slogu ter o koristnih učinkih, ki jih ozaveščenost o rezilienci ter obvladovanje njenih veščin prinaša za življenje. Odpira tudi aktualno problematiko stresa in njegovih učinkov na psihološko odpornost otrok/mladostnikov. Sledi natančna razdelava sestavnih prvin rezilience po modelu sedmih C-jev ter podpoglavje o načinu komunikacije pri vzgoji za rezilienco. Drugo poglavje se osredotoča na temo rezilience v kontekstu šolstva. Obravnava nevarnosti, ki ogrožajo razvoj rezilience v šolskem okolju ter načine, kako se šole s temi nevarnostmi spopadajo. Izkaže se, da ima šolsko okolje pomembno vlogo pri razvoju rezilience in lahko včasih celo nadomesti tisto, kar je bilo zamujeno v družinskem okolju. Empirični del magistrskega dela predstavlja rezultate raziskave o trenutni ravni ozaveščenosti o rezilienci med pedagoškimi delavci in dijaki v povezavi s poukom vere in kulture. Preko vprašanj, ki so se nanašala na rezilienco v kontekstu pouka, na učni načrt za predmet VIK ter učbenike za VIK sem poskušala izvedeti, kako pomembna se zdi profesorjem dotična tema in koliko pozornosti ji posvečajo pri pouku. Izkazalo se je, da kljub precejšnjemu poznavanju tematike rezilience in dovolj možnostim odprtega učnega načrta ter učbenika še vedno ostaja nekaj neizkoriščenih potencialov za ozaveščanje dijakov o pomenu znanja o rezilienci in o veščini njenega obvladovanja ter njene aplikacije v življenjski praksi.

Keywords:rezilienca, psihološka odpornost, mladostniki, pedagogi, vera in kultura, pouk
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Cevzar]
Number of pages:V, 60, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153003 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:74469891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Resilience of teachers and adolescents in connection to religious education
The master’s thesis concerns itself with the topic of resilience of educators and adolescents in connection to religious education. Firstly, it defines resilience as a person’s ability to mentally or emotionally face the challenges of life and to successfully overcome them. In the second part of the first chapter the concept of resilience is narrowed down to psychological resilience and its foundation, for example the awareness of the power of loving interpersonal relationships, the parents’, or educators’ awareness of the future of the children/adolescents they have educated, the awareness of a suitable parenting style and the positive consequences that the knowledge of the resilience as well as mastering its teachings brings. It also discusses the relevant topic of stress and its effects on the children’s and adolescents’ psychological strength. The next sections offers a detailed analysis of the components of the resilience following the “Seven C’s Model, which is followed by a subchapter on the appropriate type of communication for teaching resilience. The second chapter focuses on the topic of resilience in the context of schools. It touches upon the dangers that threaten the development of resilience in formal education and the ways of combating those elements. The thesis shows that the school environment has an important role in the development of resilience and can sometimes even fill in for what had been missed at home. The empirical part of this thesis presents the survey’s results on current level of awareness of resilience among the educators and high school students in connection to religious and cultural education. I tried to find out how important the topic of resilience is to the teachers and how much time do they dedicate to it by posing questions related to the topic in the context of classes, to the curriculum for the school subject named ‘Religion and Culture’ and to the coursebooks for the said subject. The findings show that despite the teachers’ good grasp on the topic of resilience, there is still some room for improvement when it comes to teaching the students about the importance of resilience, about its skilful usage and its practical applications in life.

Keywords:resilience, psychological strength, adolescents, educators, religion and culture, class

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