
Učenci priseljenci - prepoznavanje posebnih potreb in nudenje pomoči : magistrsko delo
ID Štrok, Claudia (Author), ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pižorn, Karmen (Comentor)

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Skupina učencev priseljencev je rizična skupina za šolsko manjuspešnost, saj se v šolskem okolju spopada z ovirami, ki lahko vodijo tudi v opuščanje šolanja in omejene poklicne možnosti. Učenci priseljenci se srečajo s kulturnimi in jezikovnimi razlikami, hkrati pa se s podobnimi težavami ob selitvi v novo okolje soočajo tudi njihovi starši. Ker svojim otrokom težje nudijo podporo pri socialnem vključevanju in šolskem udejstvovanju, sta šolanje in šola ključna dejavnika podpore v novem okolju. Na zakonski ravni so predvideni nekateri načini podpore učencem priseljencem, vendar prihaja do razlik v načinih izvajanja možnih oblik podpore med posameznimi šolami. Šolski svetovalni delavci in učitelji navajajo ovire pri delu z učenci priseljenci, predvsem na področju jezika in komunikacije. Na podlagi izsledkov raziskav učitelji ob poučevanju učencev priseljencev ob zaznanih ovirah največkrat že sami prilagajajo način poučevanja. V praksi se je kot izrazito pomembna na področju poučevanja učencev priseljencev izkazala iniciativnost vključenih v pomoč učencem. Pomembni dejavniki uspešnega dela z učenci priseljenci pa so tudi sodelovanje s šolsko svetovalno službo in vključevanje staršev ter sodelovanje z njimi. Njihova sodelovanja lahko potekajo v različnih oblikah, na številne načine in različno pogosto. Glede na izsledke raziskav učitelji in šolski svetovalni delavci izkazujejo željo po dodatnih znanjih za delo z učenci priseljenci. Osrednji cilj raziskave je bil proučiti podporo in pomoč učencem priseljencem z učnimi težavami na slovenskih osnovnih šolah na ravni šol in v praksi posameznih učiteljev ter specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov (SRP) ter tudi ugotoviti, kakšna so stališča sodelujočih v povezavi z delom z učenci priseljenci z učnimi težavami, katere ovire zaznavajo pri delu, kako poteka sodelovanje med vpletenimi v procesu pomoči in katere vire informacij uporabljajo učitelji in SRP v povezavi z delom z učenci priseljenci z učnimi težavami. Uporabljeni sta bili kavzalno-neeksperimentalna in deskriptivna metoda pedagoškega raziskovanja. Z raziskavo, v okviru katere smo podatke pridobili s tehniko anketiranja z uporabo nestandardiziranega vprašalnika ter z izvedbo intervjujev z razrednimi in predmetnimi učitelji ter SRP smo ugotovili, da sodelujoči načeloma pozitivno zaznavajo in visoko vrednotijo pomen sodelovanja s starši, drugimi strokovnimi delavci ter samimi učenci priseljenci v procesu oblikovanja pomoči, a udejanjanje tega v praksi izostaja. Sodelujoči v intervjuju so poudarili različnost že med samimi učenci priseljenci ter pomen različnih dejavnikov za potek in uspešnost socialnega vključevanja in učenja. Enake različnosti ugotavljamo na področju strategij in pristopov informacijske dostopnosti in drugih načinov, na katere bi se lahko šola kot institucija s svojo organizacijo približala učencem priseljencem in njihovim družinam. Sodelujoči zaznavajo najrazličnejše ovire med delom z učenci priseljenci, ki jih poskušajo premagovati na različne načine. Z ugotovitvami raziskave potrjujemo v strokovni literaturi izpostavljen pomen iniciativnosti učiteljev, ko govorimo o strategijah na ravni razreda in izvedbi drugih pristopov, ki so omogočeni na ravni šol. Hkrati ugotavljamo, da učitelji in SRP največ sodelujejo z drugimi učitelji, sodelovanja učiteljev s SRP pa je manj. Ugotavljamo pozitivno naravnanost do sodelovanja s starši učencev priseljencev (z učnimi težavami), a zaznavamo različna pričakovanja do staršev s strani učiteljev in SRP, ki poteka pretežno enosmerno, s podajanjem obvestil in brez pričakovanega odgovora, obojestranskega dogovarjanja. V iskanju dodatnih informacij o poučevanju učencev priseljencev z učnimi težavami se učitelji in SRP najbolj poslužujejo posvetovanja s kolegi.

Keywords:večjezični učenci, učenci priseljenci, učne težave, osnovna šola, učitelji, specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:C. Štrok
Number of pages:222 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152945 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-152945 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:177823235 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Immigrant Students - Identifying Special Needs and Providing Support
Immigrant students are at risk of lower achievements in school, as they are confronted with obstacles in the school environment, which can lead to early drop-out of school and consequent limited vocational possibilities. Immigrant students are challenged with cultural and linguistic differences, at the same time, their parents are faced with the same issues as well. As the parents are usually not able to provide support to their children in terms of social adjustment and schoolwork, schools and schooling become the central factors of support in the new, host environment. National acts put few systems of support in place for immigrant students, however, there are differences and discrepancies between the actualization of these possible ways of support in practice, between different schools and institutions. As well as the students, the teachers and support staff in schools are confronted with obstacles and limitations when it comes to work with immigrant students as well – predominantly around language and communication. According to research, most teachers self-initiatively adapt the manner of teaching. Taking initiative and being proactive has been proven to be essential when working with immigrant students. At the same time, another valuable factor of successful work with immigrant students is the collaboration between teachers and support staff in the schools and including parents and partnership with them. The collaboration can happen in various forms. According to past research, teachers and school support staff express the desire for additional knowledge about teaching immigrant students. The main goal of the research was to research the characteristics of help and support to immigrant students with learning difficulty in Slovene elementary schools on institutional and individual level (individual teachers and special education teachers), and find out, what are their points of view in terms of work with immigrant students with learning difficulties, what obstacles do they encounter, what is the collaboration between all involved like throughout the process of support and what sources of additional information do they use in connection to teaching immigrant students. We used causal non-experimental methods and descriptive methods of pedagogic research. We gathered data through a non-standardized questionnaire and interviews with primary teachers, subject teachers, and special education teachers. Research shows positive inclination and high value towards collaboration with parents of immigrant students, other professionals (other teachers, special education teachers, school psychologist and other school support staff), and immigrant students as well. However, the actualization of these positive inclinations oftentimes falls behind. The participants in the interviews emphasized the diversity between the (immigrant) students and the intertwinement of many aspects in within and outside of students, that either support or hinder progress of social integration and learning. Similar variety was encountered in terms of strategies and approaches the schools, and the teachers use to approach the immigrant students and their families. Participants report various obstacles throughout the work with immigrant students, and they use numerous ways to cope and overcome the hurdles along the way. Through the outcomes of this research, we confirm the (in literature emphasized) importance of initiative from the teachers and others involved, especially in terms of strategies at class-level and other approaches used by the schools as institutions. We conclude that teachers and special education teachers mostly collaborate with other teachers, however, there is less collaboration between teachers and special education teachers. The results point to positive orientation towards collaboration with parents of immigrant students (with learning difficulties), however, we recorded different expectations from participants towards the parents. Unfortunately, the collaboration between the teachers and special education teachers and parents mostly functions in one direction – sheerly through informing parents, without expected feedback or collaboration. In quest for additional information regarding teaching immigrant students, teachers and special education teachers mainly refer to support from other colleagues.

Keywords:immigrant students, learning difficulties, special needs, teachers, special education teachers

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