
Učinek črevesnega mikrobioma na zdravje in uspešnost športnika : magistrsko delo
ID Bole, Zarja (Author), ID Dervišević, Edvin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hadžić, Vedran (Comentor)

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Črevesni mikrobiom je zbirka genskih informacij o mikrobioti, ki zagotavljajo informacije o tem, kateri mikroorganizmi so v njej prisotni, ter informacije o funkcionalni zmogljivosti. Potencial črevesne mikrobiote, ki vpliva na boljšo uspešnost športnika, je postala pomembna tema raziskovanja. Zato je cilj tega poročila predstaviti vloge, ki jo ima zdrava črevesna mikrobiota na zdravje in uspešnost športnika. Opredeliti želimo, kakšen vpliv ima prehrana na sestavo mikrobiote in kako lahko izboljšamo splošno zdravje (tj. izboljšanje stanja črevesnega epitelija, odziva imunskega sistema ali odziva na stres) in učinkovitost (tj. izboljšanje razpoložljivosti energije iz prehrane in nadzor nad nivoji vnetja pri športnikih). Črevesni mikrobi živijo v vzajemni simbiozi z gostiteljem in igrajo bistveno vlogo pri homeostazi in ohranjanju splošnega zdravja. Izrazito vplivajo na razvoj črevesja, uravnavajo imunost, pomagajo pri prebavi in absorpciji hranil. Glavni prispevek črevesne mikrobiote k fiziologiji gostitelja je povezan z mikrobno presnovo. Črevesna mikrobiota je odgovorna za pokrivanje približno 10 % naše dnevne porabe kalorij, deloma s sintezo SCFA iz kompleksnih neprebavljivih rastlinskih polisaharidov v proksimalnem črevesju. SCFA so podskupina maščobnih kislin, ki lahko vstopijo v sistemski krvni obtok in blagodejno vplivajo na druge organe in procese (Imdad, Lim, Kim in Kang, 2022). Namen tega pregleda je združiti raziskave o prehrani, vadbi in črevesni mikrobioti, da bi poudarili, kaj je znano, kakšne so prihodnje smernice za nove raziskave o optimizaciji interakcije med prehrano, športom in črevesno mikrobioto za zdravje in boljšo zmogljivost športnika.

Keywords:črevesna mikrobiota, dieta, mitohondrij, SCFA, proteini, športniki, TMAO
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152939 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:181416451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of the gut microbiome on athlete health and performance
The gut microbiome is a collection of genetic information of the microbiota that provides information about the presence of microorganisms and the functional capacity of the ecosystem. Due to the potential of the gut microbiota, its impact on athlete’s performance, and the influence of diet on its composition, the influence of the gut microbiome as a strategy for athlete’s seeking to optimize performance has become an important research topic in recent times. Therefore, the aim of this report is to present the roles that a healthy gut microbiome plays in the health and performance of athletes. It aims to define the impact of diet on microbiota composition and how we can improve overall health (such as improving the condition of the gut epithelium, immune system response, or response to stress) and efficiency (such as enhancing energy availability from diet and controlling inflammation levels in athletes). Gut microbes live in mutual symbiosis with the host and play a crucial role in maintaining the host's overall health and homeostasis. They significantly influence gut development, regulate immunity, and assist in digestion and nutrient absorption. The main contribution of the gut microbiome to host physiology is associated with microbial metabolism. The gut microbiota is responsible for covering approximately 10 % of our daily calorie intake, partly through the synthesis of SCFA from complex indigestible plant polysaccharides in the proximal colon. SCFA is a subgroup of fatty acids that can enter the systemic bloodstream and affect human physiology (Imdad, Lim, Kim, & Kang, 2022). The purpose of this review is to integrate research on diet, exercise, and the gut microbiota to highlight what is known and point out future directions for further research on optimizing the interaction between diet, sports, and the gut microbiome for the health and improved performance of athletes.

Keywords:gut microbiota, diet, mitochondria, SCFA, protein, athletes, TMAO

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