
Konfesionalni identitet i konfesionala kultura slovenskog protestantizma iz perspektive teorije konfesionalizacije
ID Blažević, Zrinka (Author)

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Keywords:teorija konfesionalizacije, protestantizem, slovenski protestantizem, pravo, 16. st.
Work type:Article
Typology:1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 513-526
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152900 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:45193570 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.12.2023
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Reformacija na Slovenskem : (ob 500-letnici Trubarjevega rojstva)
Editors:Aleksander Bjelčevič
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete
COBISS.SI-ID:252810496 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:27

Secondary language

Z naslonitvijo na Reinhardov in Schillingov koncept konfesionalizacije kot makrozgodovinske interpretativne paradigme, ki raziskuje fenomen funkcionalne interference konstruiranja etnokonfesionalne identitete s procesi politične centralizacije, institucionalizacije, socialne homogenizacije in socialnega discipliniranja skozi zgodnji novi vek, skuša prispevek na primeru slovenskega protestantizma preučiti interpretativne možnosti konfesionalizacijske paradigme. Izhajajoč iz predpostavke, da je protestantizem od 1550 dalje uradni politični in konfesionalni program koroških, štajerskih in kranjskih deželnih stanov, ki so bili glavni finančni in politični zaščitniki protestantskega gibanja, da bi zagotovili učinkovito ideološko orodje za lastno politično emancipacijo od avstrijskih nadvojvod, se v prispevku iz perspektive teorije konfesionalizacije analizira korespondenca slovenskih protestantov, ki jo je leta 1997 uredil, prevedel in objavil Jože Rajhman. Interpretativna zgodovinska (re)konstrukcija modalitete sodelovanja protestantskih mediatorjev in deželnih stanov pri ustanavljanju novih izobraževalnih in cerkvenih inštitucij, kot tudi slovanske/slovenske (Windisch) identitete, jezika in kulture v drugi polovici 16. stol., skuša ponuditi nov vpogled v kompleksne procese oblikovanja konfesij v slovenskih deželah v zgodnjem novem veku.

Keywords:TITLE:Drawing upon Reinhard's and Schilling's concept of confessionalization conceived as a macrohistorical interpretative paradigm which examines the phenomena of the functional intertwining of ethno-confessional identity construction with the processes of the political centralization, institutionalization, social homogenization and disciplining during the early modern period, this paper is aimed at exploring the interpretative possibilities of the confessionalization paradigm on the case of Slovenian Protestantism. Starting from the assumption that from the 1550's Protestantism was the official political and confessional programme of the Carinthian, Styrian and Carniolian Estates which were the main financial and political protectors of the Protestant movement in order to ensure effective ideological means for their political emancipation of the Habsburg Archdukes, this paper will focus upon an analysis of the correspondence of the Slovenian Protestants edited and published by Jože Rajhman in 1997. This interpretative historical (re)construction of the modalities of cooperation of the key protestant mediators and Estates on creating new educational and church institutions, as well as new Slovenian/Slavonian (Windisch) confessional/political identity, language and culture in the second half of the 16th century will hopefully provide a new insight into the complex social and cultural processes of confession building in the Slovene lands in the early modern period./KEYWORDS: confessionalization theory, Slovenian Protestantism, 16th century

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