
Knjiga kot medij krepitve moči pri delu z mladimi nedominantne spolne usmerjenosti oziroma identitete : magistrsko delo
ID Vukovič Žorž, Enea (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava knjigo kot medij krepitve moči, s poudarkom na uporabi literature v namen krepitve moči mladih lezbijk, gejev, biseksualnih, transspolnih, kvir, interspolnih in aseksualnih oseb (v nadaljevanju LGBTQIA+ mladi) znotraj socialnopedagoškega dela. Sestavljata ga teoretični in empirični del. Teoretični del predstavlja pregled zgodovine pomoči z literaturo, ki obsega predstavitev biblioterapije, njenih oblik in razvoja skozi čas. Pri tem je poudarjena predvsem razvojna biblioterapija (tudi bibliopreventiva), ki stremi k razvoju in samoaktualizaciji posameznika. To se v nadaljevanju skuša umestiti v okvir enega izmed najpomembnejših konceptov socialnopedagoškega dela – koncept krepitve moči uporabnikov. V zaključku teoretičnega dela je opredeljena skupina LGBTQIA+ mladih, predstavljene so njihove temeljne značilnosti in nekaj raziskav iz tujine, ki obravnavajo učinke pomoči z literaturo na krepitev moči predstavnic_kov marginaliziranih skupin in skupnosti. Te raziskave služijo kot zgled fenomenološki raziskavi, v sklopu katere je bil organiziran kvir knjižni krožek v namen proučevanja lastnega doživljanja in doživljanja drugih udeležencev_k srečanj ob branju literature ter skupinskem pogovoru o knjigi. Na podlagi ugotovitev, pridobljenih s pomočjo metode strukturirane refleksije in polstrukturiranega intervjuja, so v empiričnem delu magistrskega dela prikazane značilnosti in različni vidiki uporabe knjige kot medija krepitve moči. Empirični del magistrskega dela predstavlja tudi nekaj priporočil za uporabo metode pomoči z literaturo v okviru socialnopedagoškega dela z LGBTQIA+ mladimi, ki so zaradi svoje nedominantne spolne usmerjenosti oz. identitete znotraj današnje družbe še vedno deležni marginalizacije in stigmatizacije.

Keywords:krepitev moči, marginalizirane skupine, LGBTQIA+ mladi, pomoč z literaturo, knjiga kot medij, socialnopedagoško delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:E. Vuković Žorž
Number of pages:99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152849 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-152849 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:176911619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Books as a Medium of Empowerment when Working with Adolescents with Non-Dominant Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity
The thesis explores the book as a medium of empowering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual young people (hereinafter: LGBTQIA+ youth) in socio-pedagogical work through the use of literature. The thesis is divided into two parts: a theoretical part and an empirical part. The theoretical part provides a comprehensive overview of the history of bibliotherapy, including a presentation of its forms and development over time. Special emphasis is placed on developmental bibliotherapy (also known as biblioprevention), which aims at the development and self-actualisation of the individual. This is placed in the context of one of the most important concepts in social pedagogy—the concept of user empowerment. The theoretical part concludes by defining the LGBTQIA+ youth group, outlining its basic characteristics, and reviewing international research on how the use of books contributes to the empowerment of people from marginalised groups and communities. This research provides a framework for the phenomenological study where a book circle was established to explore the individual and communal experiences of reading and discussing literature. Based on the findings of structured reflections and semi-structured interviews, the empirical part of the thesis examines the characteristics and different aspects of using books as a medium of empowerment. It also provides recommendations for employing bibliotherapy in socio-pedagogical work with LGBTQIA+ youth, who continue to experience marginalisation and stigmatisation in contemporary society due to their non-dominant sexual orientation or gender identity.

Keywords:empowerment, marginalised groups, LGBTQIA+ youth, bibliotherapy, books as a medium, socio-pedagogical work

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