
Posledice učenja na daljavo v obdobju pandemije z vidika učiteljev dodatne strokovne pomoči : magistrsko delo
ID Šimec, Andreja (Author), ID Zorc-Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrske naloge je raziskati in ugotoviti, katere posledice učenja na daljavo pri delu z učenci s posebnimi potrebami zaznavajo učitelji dodatne strokovne pomoči, ki so zaposleni v osnovnih šolah. V ospredju raziskovalnega dela je mnenje učiteljev dodatne strokovne pomoči o posledicah učenja na daljavo, ki se odražajo pri njihovem delu z učenci s posebnimi potrebami, torej s tistimi učenci, ki imajo odločbo o usmeritvi. Poudarek je na raziskovanju posledic, ki jih je povzročilo učenje na daljavo, in sicer zaradi epidemije covida-19, poleg tega pa tudi na tem, kako jih pri svojem delu opažajo učitelji dodatne strokovne pomoči. Kvalitativna raziskava na osnovi poglobljenih intervjujev omogoča vpogled v spremembe na različnih področjih dela z učenci s posebnimi potrebami, ki so se po mnenju učiteljev dodatne strokovne pomoči pojavile zaradi učenja na daljavo. Središče empiričnega dela predstavlja njihov vidik, in sicer skladno s trenutnimi opažanji na področju motiviranosti učencev za učenje, kakovosti znanja učencev s posebnimi potrebami, njihovih organizacijskih sposobnostih ter njihove samostojnosti in samoiniciativnosti pri učenju, uporabo digitalnih kompetenc za namene učenja ter njihov pogled na spremembe, ki se pojavljajo v odnosu z učenci s posebnimi potrebami. Rezultati raziskave omogočajo uvid v posledice učenja na daljavo zaradi epidemije covida-19 in s tem oblikovanje predlogov za njihovo zmanjšanje pri delu z otroki s posebnimi potrebami.

Keywords:dodatna strokovna pomoč, epidemija covida-19, motivacija, osnovna šola, šolanje na daljavo, učenci s posebnimi potrebami
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Šimec
Number of pages:82 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152787 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-152787 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:176542467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of Distance Learning in a Pandemic from the Perspective of Teachers for Additional Professional Support
The purpose of the master's thesis is to investigate and find out which consequences of distance learning in their work with students with special needs are perceived by teachers of additional professional help who are employed in elementary schools. The main part of the research work is to discover the views of teachers of additional professional help on the consequences of distance learning, which are reflected in their work with students with special needs, that is, with those students who have a decision on orientation. The focus is on researching the consequences of distance learning caused by the covid-19 epidemic, as well as how teachers of additional professional support perceive them in their work. Qualitative research based on in-depth interviews provides insight into changes in various areas of work with students with special needs, which, according to teachers of additional professional help, have occurred due to distance learning. We will be interested in their perspective, namely in accordance with their current observations in the field of student motivation for learning, the quality of knowledge of students with special needs, their organizational skills, and their independence and self-initiative in learning. The master's thesis also highlights the observations of teachers of additional professional support related to digital competences that help learning and that students had to develop and strengthen during distance learning, as well as their view of the changes that occur in the field of their relationship with students with special needs. The results of the research can provide an insight into the consequences of distance learning due to the covid-19 epidemic and thus the formulation of proposals for their reduction when working with children with special needs.

Keywords:additional professional help, covid-19 epidemic, motivation, elementary school, distance learning, students with special needs

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