
Sinteza in protibakterijsko vrednotenje zaviralcev bakterijskih topoizomeraz z naftiridinskim ogrodjem
ID Jurič, Anita (Author), ID Hrast Rambaher, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjem času je zaradi množičnega pojavljanja odpornosti močno narasla potreba po novih antibiotikih, saj nekaterih okužb ni več mogoče zdraviti z razpoložljivimi zdravili. Obetaven razred novih učinkovin so novi zaviralci bakterijskih topoizomeraz (NBTI). Ti se vežejo na bakterijska encima DNA-girazo in topoizomerazo IV in ovirajo normalen proces podvojevanja in prepisovanja DNA, kar vodi v smrt celice. Strukturno jih sestavljajo trije deli, in sicer najpogosteje biciklični levi del, ki se veže v DNA, distančnik in aromatski desni del, ki se veže v hidrofobno vezavno mesto topoizomeraze. Glede na dosedanje raziskave je glavni izziv teh učinkovin doseganje ustreznega ravnovesja med protibakterijskim delovanjem in kardiotoksičnostjo, povezano z neželeno vezavo na kanalčke hERG. V okviru magistrske naloge smo načrtovali in sintetizirali 12 učinkovin iz razreda NBTI. Pri šestih spojinah smo želeli z bioizosterno zamenjavo amida s triazolnim obročem izboljšati stabilnost in ohraniti delovanje spojin. Pri dveh spojinah smo uvedli bolj polarni distančnik in proučili vpliv na delovanje. Pri ostalih smo z namenom razširitve delovanja na gramnegativne bakterije na mesto 3 v naftiridinskem skeletu pripeli fluor. Pri tem smo uporabili različne, že raziskane distančnike. Vse spojine smo analizirali z metodami 1H NMR, 13C NMR, HRMS, ATR-FTIR in HPLC. Protibakterijsko delovanje smo ovrednotili na velikem številu bakterijskih sevov. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo spojine s triazolom dobro delovanje na grampozitivne seve, kot sta S. aureus in MRSA. Spojine z bolj polarnim distančnikom niso pokazale pozitivnih rezultatov, nasprotno pa so spojine s fluorom na mestu 3 naftiridina močno zavrle rast ne samo grampozitivnih bakterij, ampak tudi gramnegativnih sevov. Z uvedbo fluora na naftiridinski skelet smo torej izrazito izboljšali delovanje. Trem spojinam z najnižjimi vrednostmi minimalne zaviralne koncentracije (34, 25 in 27) smo dodatno testirali zmožnost zaviranja tvorbe biofilma Staphylococcus aureus in povzročitev razpada že tvorjenega biofilma. Izvedli smo tudi testiranje akutne toksičnosti na zarodkih rib cebric in učinkovitost zdravljenja po načrtni okužbi s S. aureus. Ugotovili smo, da imajo vse tri spojine ustrezen varnostni profil, prav tako so vse spojine omilile potek bolezni in ozdravile okužbo. Glede na obetavne rezultate bi bila smiselna nadaljnja vrednotenja teh spojin in vivo, služijo pa lahko tudi kot spojine vodnice za dodatne modifikacije.

Keywords:novi zaviralci bakterijskih topoizomeraz (NBTI), levi del, distančnik, DNA- giraza, topoizomeraza IV, zarodki rib cebric
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152655 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.12.2023
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Title:Synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of bacterial topoisomerases inhibitors with a naphthyridine scaffold
Recently, due to the widespread emergence of resistance, the need for new antibiotics has grown sharply, as some infections can no longer be treated with available drugs. A promising class of new agents are the novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors (NBTIs). These bind to the bacterial enzymes DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV and disable the normal process of DNA replication and transcription, leading to cell death. Structurally, they consist of three parts, the bicyclic left part, which binds to DNA, a linker, and the aromatic right part, which binds to the hydrophobic binding site of enzyme. According to previous studies, the main challenge of these agents is to achieve an appropriate balance between antibacterial activity and cardiotoxicity associated with unwanted binding to hERG channels. In this master's thesis, we designed and synthesized twelve compounds from the NBTI class. In six of them, we wanted to improve the stability and maintain the activity by bioisosteric replacement of the amide with a triazole ring. In two, we introduced a more polar linker and studied the effect on activity. In the others, fluorine was attached to position 3 of the naphthyridine skeleton to extend its activity to gram-negative bacteria. We used various linkers that had been previously evaluated. All compounds were analysed by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, HRMS, ATR-FTIR and HPLC methods. The antibacterial activity was evaluated on many bacterial strains. The results showed that triazole compounds have good activity against Gram-positive strains such as Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA. Compounds with a more polar linker did not show positive results, on the other hand, compounds with fluorine at position 3 of naphthyridine inhibited the growth of not only Gram-positive, but also Gram-negative strains. By introducing fluorine onto the naphthyridine skeleton, we have significantly improved the activity. Three compounds with the lowest minimal inhibitory concentration values (34, 25 and 27) were additionally tested for their ability to inhibit the formation of S. aureus biofilm and cause the disintegration of already formed biofilm. We also performed acute toxicity testing on zebrafish embryos and treatment efficacy of embryos, deliberately infected with S. aureus. We found that all three compounds have good safety profiles and they successfully rescued embryos from lethal infection. Considering the promising results, further in vivo studies of these compounds are required. They may also serve as lead compounds for further modifications.

Keywords:novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors (NBTIs), left hand side (LHS), linker, DNA gyrase, topoisomerase IV, zebrafish embryos

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