
Sinteza in vrednotenje difosfatnih ligandov za fosfotransferazo, udeleženo v biosintezi celične stene Clostridium difficile
ID Gerhold, Petra (Author), ID Mravljak, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hrast Rambaher, Martina (Comentor)

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Bakterije so majhni enocelični organizmi, ki se razlikujejo po obliki in velikosti. Njihova celična struktura vključuje citoplazmo z organeli, citoplazemsko membrano, bakterijsko steno ter v nekaterih primerih tudi bakterijsko kapsulo. Obstajata dve glavni skupini bakterij: gramnegativne in grampozitivne, ki se razlikujejo po debelini in strukturi celične stene. Encim MurA je bistven pri sintezi peptidoglikana v celični steni, kar predstavlja privlačno tarčo za sintezo protibakterijskih učinkovin. Zaradi prekomerne in nepremišljene uporabe protimikrobnih učinkovin je prišlo do pojava rezistence bakterij, ki predstavlja eno največjih groženj javnemu zdravstvu v 21. stoletju. Zato sta pospešeno iskanje in razvoj novih protibakterijskih učinkovin nujna. Ena od bakterij, ki predstavlja velik problem bolnišničnih okužb, je Clostridium difficile. Pri sintezi polisaharidov so v celični steni C. difficile odkrili nov encim manozil-1-fosfotransferazo (ManPT), ki predstavlja potencialno tarčo za razvoj novih potibakterijskih zdravilnih učinkovin. Namen te magistrske naloge je bila sinteza derivatov glukozamina in galaktozamina s fosfatnimi skupinami, ki bi oponašali substrat za encim ManPT. Izhodni spojini pri sintezah sta bili D-glukozamin hidroklorid in D-galaktozamin hidroklorid. Sledila je šeststopenjska sinteza, v kateri smo sladkor acetilirali, selektivno odščitili anomerno -OH skupino in nato nanj uvedli zaščiten fosfat. Po odstranitvi zaščite smo spojino združili z 11-fenoksiundecil fosfatom, tako da je nastal difosfat in nato izvedli globalno odščito. Pri sintezi α-D-glukozamin-1-fosfata smo v prvi stopnji zaščitili amino skupino. Ostali koraki so ostali enaki kot pri sladkorjih brez amina. Končnim spojinam smo določili zaviralno aktivnost na encimu MurA ter minimalno inhibitorno koncentracijo (MIK) na bakterijah E. coli in S. aureus. Zaviralno delovanje na encimu MurA sta izkazovali spojini 8 (IC50 = 16 μM) in 26 (IC50 = 100 μM). Hillova koeficienta pri obeh spojinah znašata 2 ali več, kar kaže na nespecifično zaviranje encima MurA. Spojina 26 je izkazovala tudi protibakterijsko delovanje na sevu S. aureus z MIK 0,625 mg/mL. Uspešno sintetizirane spojine bodo v prihodnje uprabili na Inštitutu Jožefa Stefana, kjer želijo pripraviti kokristale z encimom ManPT.

Keywords:Clostridium difficile, encim MurA, encim ManPT, zaviralci, derivati glukozamina, derivati galaktozamina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152615 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Synthesis and evaluation of diphosphate ligands for phosphotransferase involved in Clostridium difficile cell wall biosynthesis
Bacteria are small, single-celled organisms that vary in shapes and sizes. Their cellular structure includes cytoplasm with organelles, a cytoplasmic membrane, a bacterial wall, and in some cases, a bacterial capsule. There are two main groups of bacteria: gram-negative and gram-positive, distinguished by the thickness and structure of their cell walls. The enzyme MurA is essential in peptidoglycan synthesis in the cell wall, making it an attractive target for antibacterial agents. Due to the excessive and indiscriminate use of antimicrobial agents, bacterial resistance has become one of the major threats to public health in the 21st century. Therefore, the rapid search and development of new antibacterial agents are essential. One of the bacteria posing a significant challenge in hospital-acquired infections is Clostridium difficile. During the synthesis of polysaccharides in C. difficile's cell wall, a new enzyme, mannosyl-1-phosphotransferase (ManPT), was discovered, representing a potential target for the development of new antibacterial drugs. The purpose of this master's thesis was to synthesize derivatives of glucosamine and galactosamine with phosphate groups to mimic the substrate for the ManPT enzyme. The starting compounds in the synthesis were D-glucosamine hydrochloride and D- galactosamine hydrochloride. A six-step synthesis followed, involving acetylation of the sugar, selective deprotection of anomeric -OH groups, and the introduction of a protected phosphate. After deprotection, the compound was combined with 11-phenoxyundecyl phosphate, resulting in a diphosphate, and then subjected to global deprotection. In the synthesis of α-D-glucosamine-1-phosphate, the amino group was protected in the first step, while the subsequent steps remained the same as with amine-free sugars. The final compounds were tested for inhibitory activity against the MurA enzyme and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. Compounds 8 (IC50 = 16 μM) and 26 (IC50 = 100 μM) exhibited inhibitory activity against the MurA enzyme. Both compounds showed Hill coefficients of 2 or more, indicating non-specific enzyme inhibition. Compound 26 also demonstrated antibacterial activity against the S. aureus strain with an MIC of 0.625 mg/mL. Successfully synthesized compounds will in the future be used at the Jožef Stefan Institute, where they aim to prepare co-crystals with the enzyme ManPT.

Keywords:Clostridium difficile, MurA enzyme, ManPT enzyme, inhibitors, glucosamine derivatives, galactosamine derivatives

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