Ski touring is a genre of skiing, where we ascent on foot or with skis and we ski down unmarked backcountry areas. This kind of a activity is becoming increasingly popular every year. Western Julian Alps are a Julian Alps subrange and they consist of Montaž, Viš and Kanin mountain groups. Due to their geographic characteristics, they allow several different ski mountaineering tours. In the first part, Master thesis covers the chapters which refer to theoretical concepts of ski touring genre and it's history in Slovenia, Western Julian Alps and globally. Furthermore, it presents the equipment we need for ski touring and ski mountaineering and it also presents the dangers that can appear in the mountains in winter. The work later presents a theoretical execution of a tour in terms of preparation for the tour, weather forecast and snow conditions observation, tour selection and lastly the tactical and technical execution of ascent and descent. In the following, the work presents the possibility of ski touring implementation in school winter camp or school's sports day. In the second part, the thesis focuses on Western Julian Alps with their geographic characteristics and features that allow a large number of different ski touring goals, and it also focuses on special terminology. Lastly the work presents the ski touring guidebook which includes Montaž, Viš and north side of Kanin mountain groups. With the equipment, danger, tour preparation and execution chapters, the work represents utility value in terms of user's tour execution, who can find his goals amongst the tours, described in the guidebook.