
Dediščinska skupnost
ID Prašnikar, Kaja (Author), ID Žnidaršič Skubic, Viktorija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dediščinska skupnost se oblikuje po smrti zapustnika, ko obstajata vsaj dva zakonita, oporočna ali nujna dediča. V času trajanja dediščinske skupnosti morajo po slovenski zakonodaji dediči o načinu rabe, upravljanju in razpolaganju z lastnino odločati skupno in soglasno. Ker je soglasje med vsemi dediči včasih težko doseči, se sprašujemo o smiselnosti vztrajanja pri konceptu skupne lastnine. Dediščinska skupnost traja do delitve, ta pa se lahko opravi v zapuščinskem postopku. Kadar je predmet zapuščine zaščitena kmetija, dedovanje ureja specialni zakon – ZDKG, ki določa kriterije, po katerih se določi najprimernejši prevzemnik kmetije, s čimer se prepreči razdrobitev kmetije in zagotovi enotno upravljanje. Če med dediči v dediščinski skupnosti ni primernega za vodenje zaščitene kmetije, se uporabljajo določbe ZD. Nasprotno pa ZGD-1 podobnih kriterijev za prevzem podjetja oziroma podedovanih poslovnih deležev ne vsebuje, kljub temu da je soglasje glede rednih in izrednih poslov v dediščinski skupnosti težko doseči. Na ta način sta zagotavljanje kontinuitete poslovanja in ohranjanje gospodarske zmogljivosti otežena ali celo onemogočena.

Keywords:dedovanje, dediščinska skupnost, sodediči, skupna lastnina, dedovanje kmetijskih zemljišč, dedovanje podjetniškega premoženja, sodna praksa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152594 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:177972995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.11.2023
PRAŠNIKAR, Kaja, 2023, Dediščinska skupnost [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 9 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Community of heirs
A community of heirs is created following a person's death if there are at least two legitimate, testamentary or necessary heirs. During the lifetime of a community of heirs, Slovenian law requires the heirs to decide jointly and unanimously on the use, management and disposition of the assets. Since it is sometimes difficult for all heirs to reach a consensus, we question the wisdom of adhering to the concept of joint assets. The community of heirs lasts until the division, which may take place in probate proceedings. When the subject of inheritance is a protected farm, it is governed by a special law – the Inheritance of Agricultural Holdings Act (ZDKG), which prescribes the criteria for determining the most appropriate successor to the farm, with a view to avoid the farm becoming fragmented and ensure single management. If no heir exists in the community of heirs who is suitable for managing the protected farm, the provisions of the Inheritance Act (ZD) apply. By contrast, the Companies Act (ZGD-1) does not contain similar criteria for the acquisition of a company or of inherited business shares, despite it being difficult for a community of heirs to reach an agreement on ordinary and extraordinary transactions. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to ensure business continuity and maintain economic performance.

Keywords:inheritance, community of heirs, co-heirs, joint assets, inheritance of agricultural land, inheritance of business assets, case law

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