
Konoplja kot alternativni vir surovine za izdelavo biokompozita
ID Mate, Sebastjan (Author), ID Medved, Sergej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z vidika ekološke ozaveščenosti smo v nalogi raziskovali mehanske in fizikalne lastnosti ivernih plošč izdelanih iz konopljinih gradnikov in taninskega lepila za namen uporabe v pohištveni industriji. Uporabili smo naslednje metode: sejalna analiza, določanje gostote in površinske mase, vsebnost vlage, debelinski nabrek in vpijanje vode, upogibna trdnost in modul elastičnosti, razslojna trdnost ter vsebnost formaldehida. Raziskavo smo razdelili v 3 faze. V prvi fazi smo izdelali 1-slojne plošče in primerjali rezultate pri uporabi konopljinih oz. lesnih iveri in sintetičnega MUF oz. naravnega taninskega lepila. V drugi fazi smo izdelali 3-slojne in eno 5-slojno ploščo, kjer smo ugotavljali vpliv velikosti konopljinih gradnikov v različnih slojih na lastnosti plošč. V tretji fazi smo glede na rezultate prejšnjih faz izdelali 3-slojne plošče, kjer smo spreminjali delež tanina v lepilu zunanjega sloja. Glede na rezultate vseh faz sklepamo, da lahko z uporabo grobih konopljinih gradnikov v sredici (10 % delež tanina v lepilu) in finih konopljinih gradnikov v zunanjem sloju (15 % delež tanina v lepilu) izdelamo 3 slojno ploščo, ki dosega standarde za uporabo kompozita v pohištveni industriji.

Keywords:industrijska konoplja, iverne plošče, tanin, taninska lepila
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[S. Mate]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152565 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*862.2: 677.12
COBISS.SI-ID:174081027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Hemp as alternative resource for biocomposite
From an ecological standpoint, we researched the mechanical and physical properties of particleboards made from hemp hurd and tannin-based adhesive for use in the furniture industry. We used the following methods: sieve analysis, determination of density, humidity content, thickness swelling, flexural strength, internal bond and formaldehyde content. We devided our study into 3 phases. In phase 1, we produced one-layer boards to compare the results when using hemp hurd or wood particles and a sintetic MUF adhesive or a natural tannin-based adhesive. In the second phase, we produced 3-layer boards and one 5-layer board, to compare the results when using hemp particles of different sizes in different layers of the boards. In phase 3, we produced 3-layer boards based on the results of the previous phases, in order to compare results when changing the percantage of tannin in the adhesive of the outer layer. Based on the results of all phases we conclude a 3-layer composit of large hemp particles in the inner layer (10 % tannin in the adhesive) and small hemp particles in the outer layers (15 % tannin in the adhesive) reaches standards for use in the furniture industry.

Keywords:industrial hemp, particleboard, tannin, tannin adhesives

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