
Proučevanje razgradnih poti zdravilnih učinkovin iz skupine zaviralcev virusne integraze s pomočjo in vitro in in silico orodij
ID Kovač, Lidija (Author), ID Roškar, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Časar, Zdenko (Comentor)

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Za razvoj učinkovitega, varnega in kakovostnega zdravila je pomembno poznavanje lastnosti zdravilne učinkovine, med drugim tudi stabilnost zdravilne učinkovine v različnih mikrookoljih. Ustrezno kakovost zdravilne učinkovine zagotavljamo tako, da postavimo specifikacijo zdravilne učinkovine, ki mora vsebovati tudi seznam nečistot. Razgradni produkti med normalnim shranjevanjem običajno nastajajo v zelo nizkih koncentracijah, zato v zgodnjih fazah razvoja morebitne razgradne produkte zdravilne učinkovine v večjih količinah pridobimo z izvedbo stresnih testov. Pred izvedbo stresnih testov potencialne razgradne produkte skušamo napovedati z uporabo literaturnih podatkov ter kemijskega znanja, v zadnjem času pa se vedno bolj uporabljajo tudi in silico orodja za napovedovanje razgradnih produktov. Kabotegravir je nova zdravilna učinkovina iz skupine zaviralcev virusne integraze. V literaturi ni bilo na voljo podatkov o njegovi stabilnosti ter analizne metode za določevanje vsebnosti kabotegravirja in njegovih nečistot. Namen naše raziskave je bila določitev razgradnih produktov kabotegravirja z izvedbo stresnih testiranj zdravilne učinkovine, uporabo in silico orodij za napovedovanje razgradnih produktov ter razvoj analizne metode z vgrajeno kakovostjo »Analytical Quality by Design« (AQbD) za določevanje kabotegravirja in njegovih nečistot. Na podlagi določenih struktur izoliranih razgradnih produktov kabotegravirja smo želeli tudi določiti mehanizme razgradnje kabotegravirja pri različnih pogojih mikrookolja. V uvodu, ki sestoji iz dveh uvodnih poglavij, je opisano stanje znanosti in stroke na področju kabotegravirja do pričetka naših raziskav ter osnove poteka razvoja analiznih metod z vgrajeno kakovostjo. V prvem poglavju raziskovalnega dela je predstavljena izvedba stresnih testov in izolacija ter določitev struktur glavnih razgradnih produktov kabotegravirja. Na podlagi struktur izoliranih razgradnih produktov smo definirali glavne razgradne poti kabotegravirja v kislem in pod oksidativnimi pogoji ter na podlagi različnih študij predlagali mehanizme razgradnje kabotegravirja. V drugem poglavju raziskovalnega dela je opisan potek razvoja analizne metode z vgrajeno kakovostjo za določevanje vsebnosti kabotegravirja in njegovih osmih nečistot. Izvedli smo začetne presejalne teste, optimizacijo in testiranje robustnosti metode. Na podlagi rezultatov in pridobljenih matematičnih modelov smo določili delovno območje metode (MODR), znotraj katerega smo definirali delovno točko delovanja metode. Izvedena je bila validacija analizne metode v tej točki. V tretjem poglavju je predstavljena uporaba in silico orodja Zeneth na primeru napovedovanja razgradnih produktov kabotegravirja. V primeru kabotegravirja, in silico napovedovanje razgradnih produktov ni bilo uspešno, saj program ni napovedal nobenega od štirih izoliranih razgradnih produktov kabotegravirja. Rezultati študije razgradnje kabotegravirja, ki so bili javno objavljeni, lahko pripomorejo k širjenju knjižnice znanja in silico orodij in s tem izboljšanju napovedne moči orodij za napovedovanje razgradnih produktov.

Keywords:kabotegravir, razgradni produkti, AQbD razvoj analizne metode, in silico orodja
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152447 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Study of degradation pathways of active substances from the group of viral integrase inhibitors using in vitro and in silico tools
Knowledge of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) properties, including the stability of the API in different micro-environments, is important for the development of an effective, safe and quality medicinal product. The appropriate quality of the API is ensured by setting a specification of the API, which should also contain a list of impurities. Degradation products during normal storage usually occur at very low concentrations, therefore, to obtain large quantities of degradation products in the early stages of development, stress stability testing is performed. Before carrying out stress stability testing, we try to predict potential degradation products using literature data and chemical knowledge, and more recently also in silico tools for predicting degradation products. Cabotegravir is a new API from the group of viral integrase inhibitors. There was no data on its stability available in the literature, nor was an analytical method available to determine cabotegravir assay and determination of its impurities. The purpose of our research was to determine the degradation products of cabotegravir by conducting stress tests of the API, using in silico tools for predicting degradation products and developing an analytical method using the AQbD principles for determining of cabotegravir assay and determination of its impurities. We also aimed to determine the degradation mechanisms of cabotegravir under different micro-environmental conditions based on the determined structures of isolated cabotegravir degradation products. The Introduction, that consists of two introductory chapters presents available knowledge in the field of cabotegravir until the beginning of our research and the basics of the development of analytical methods using AQbD principles. In the first chapter of the research work, the performance of stress tests, the isolation and determination of the structures of the main degradation products of the cabotegravir are presented. Based on the structures of the isolated degradation products, we defined the main degradation pathways of cabotegravir under acidic and oxidative conditions and based on different additional studies proposed degradation mechanisms of cabotegravir. The second chapter of the research work describes the development of an AQbD analytical method for the determination of cabotegravir assay and its eight impurities. We performed initial screening, optimization and robustness testing of the method. Based on the results and the mathematical models obtained, we determined the method operating design room (MODR) within which we defined the method's optimal operating point. A validation of the analytical method was performed at that point. Chapter 3 presents the application of the in silico tool Zeneth in a case study of cabotegravir API degradation. In the case of cabotegravir, in silico prediction of the degradation products was not successful as the software did not predict any of the four isolated cabotegravir degradation products. The results of the cabotegravir degradation study that have been made public can help to expand the knowledge library of in silico tools and thereby improve the predictive power of degradation product prediction tools.

Keywords:cabotegravir, degradation products, AQbD development of analytical method, in silico tool

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